Why Raspberries are so Good for You!


Raspberries come in many different colors including red, black, purple, blue and golden/yellow. However, no matter the color of this dainty and refined looking fruit, it’s packed full of powerful antioxidants and offers a number of amazing natural health benefits.

When is Raspberry Season?

The raspberry season can be divided into two groups. The season depends on the specific variety of the fruit. The two varieties are the “ever-bearing” and the “summer bearing”. The “ever-bearing” variety produces fruit twice a year, once during the summer months and again in the fall. The “summer-bearing” produces fruit only during the summer months. Depending on your local and the variety grown in your region the fresh fruit is available from the beginning of July until the beginning of October.

Can Anyone Grow Raspberries?

Fortunately, raspberries are an easy fruit to plant and enjoy the fresh fruit when it is in season. They don’t take up much space and can be planted in relativity small areas. The raspberry bush or vines can grow up to 4 feet and offer the combination of great taste and natural health benefits. So by growing your own canes the combination of great taste and natural health benefits will be an arm’s distance away. To get started simply purchase three or five disease free raspberry canes from a local grower or online and them shipped to you. One you have the plants plant them in the ground or in a large moveable contain. However, if you plant them in a container is the keep up on the watering of the plant, but they are hardy plant and even survive a slight drought, too.

Click Here to grab a free copy of the Super Fruit Handbook to learn how to grow raspberries in a container.

What are the Health Benefits of Raspberries?

 Helps with Weight Lose

Weight loss and raspberries seem to be everywhere lately. From daytime TV hosts to evening news casts, this delicate red fruit has certain caught the attention of both the public and the food researchers. So let’s take a closer look at the science behind the weight loss ability of the raspberry.

First the raspberry is low in naturally occurring fat and calories, while high in fiber. In fact, one cup of red raspberries delivers a whopping 8 grams of fiber. This means enjoying one cup of raspberries delivers over 50% of the daily recommended daily allowance. As with other high-fiber foods, the raspberry helps you to feel fuller longer since it takes more time to digest the food.

In addition, the presence of the ketones encourages the body to raises its temperature by allowing the brown adipose tissue to release heat. This helps to burn fat in the body naturally.

Helps to Maintain a Healthy Body

The presence of ellagic acid, a phytochemical, may help to slow the effect of certain carcinogens in the body. While more research is needed to connect the dot with the ellagic acid in raspberries, adding the fruit to your diet is not only tasty, but helps to maintain a healthy body.

Keeps the Heart Healthy

½ cup of raspberries delivers 129mg of potassium. Potassium helps to maintain proper rhythmic beating of the heart and healthy blood pressure levels. In addition, to the potassium this tiny fruit also contains vital mineral like copper and iron. Red blood cells require copper for healthy production and folate and iron helps reduce anemia risk.

Helps with Fertility

The presence of Vitamin C and magnesium assist with fertility in both men and women. In men, they help with the production of sperm, especially in older men. For women, this combination assists to reduce the risk of a miscarriage.

Different Ways to Enjoy the Raspberry

  • Fresh Raspberries: When in season this is an excellent way to not only enjoy the tangy taste, but also the health benefits. If you don’t grow your own, you can find them in the produce department of your local grocery store or farmers market.
  • Frozen Raspberries: The frozen fruit may be available in the freezer section of your local grocery store. Since they are a hard-to-find fruit, they may not always be available.
  • Raspberry Juice Concentrate: Drinking raspberry juice is an ideal way to get the natural benefits of this fruit. However, one glass of juice delivers as much as 36 grams of sugar. For those watching their sugar intake, this may be a concern.
  • Raspberry Capsules: For many, raspberry capsules may be a good way to good. Not only does it combine the natural benefits, but also delivers then one gram of sugar per serving. The raspberry capsules deliver highly concentrate amounts of the vital compounds found naturally in this fruit.

Click Here to download a copy of the Super Fruit Handbook. It contains information about the natural health benefits of different types of fruit.

Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas is an independent writer and writes about the natural health benefits of food, alternative medicine and natural home remedies. She in the process of developing her website sharing the wonders of Mother Nature. Some of her favorite sites include www.TraverseBayFarms.com and www.OrchardofHealth.com