GMO – A Tragedy


If you’ve been paying attention to social media lately, or the cereal boxes in your grocery store, you’ve heard about GMO’s and the controversy behind them. There are countless activist groups—marches, protests, buycotts, and angry people—trying to take down Monsanto and stop the genetically modified seeds; and rightly there should be. Whoever controls the seed controls the food, and whoever controls the food controls the people. You may find this shocking, but the government isn’t always (or normally) on our side. They are on the side of the money.

So, what exactly is a GMO?

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. They are taking seeds such as corn, soy, tomatoes, etc. and blending their genes with the genes of a different species. This is more than just crossbreeding; this is taking DNA from something like a virus and putting it in a vegetable. They want to (and have already) create super plants that have their own insecticide built in and can withstand a ton of herbicide while still producing a full crop; thus playing God and creating Frankenstein plants. Wanting to make crops stronger and yields larger is understandable. Unfortunately, when you mess with nature there are always repercussions.

What’s so bad about super plants?

Well, if the bugs don’t want to eat it, why would you? Bugs naturally gravitate toward good, healthy food with nutritious content. So if they don’t want GMOs, I don’t want GMOs. Pesticides are toxic, and these are things you can’t wash or peel off—they’re built right in. In some case studies, they have found that rats become sterile within a matter of weeks after eating a GMO diet, and many have died because of it. Also, allergic reactions are a big one. If you’re allergic to peanuts, but not carrots, you have no way of knowing if that carrot you’re about to eat has had a peanut protein genetically added. None of this is something I want to risk.

Why is the FDA allowing GMOs?

The government has deemed them safe based on the results of tests done by the GMO producers and benefactors. You can always trace it back to money. Over 60 countries have either banned or put heavy restrictions on GMOs. America needs to follow suit.

Can it get worse?

Sure can! GMO labels aren’t required, so it’s impossible to avoid unless you buy strictly organic, or grow your own food. There are also some great companies who aren’t organic, but who label themselves as apart of the Non-GMO Project. When it comes to processed food, GMOs are in about 80% of them. Yikes!

Here’s the breakdown of what I believe is the large-scale goal GMO producers and benefactors are reaching for (ready for a bit of a conspiracy theory?): 
Like I said before, whoever controls the seed controls the food, and whoever controls the food controls the people. So we eat the GMOs because we have no choice (there’s no labeling, organic is expensive, and not everyone has a yard to grow their own food), and because the human body is not meant to eat chemicals or genetic mutations, we get sick. When we get sick we go to the doctor who prescribes us medication (which, by the way, if there is any sort of “natural” product in the meds, it will be GMO, guaranteed. Be sure to watch your supplements and only buy organic). Then we get sick because of the medications’ side effects. In a nutshell, we eat the chems, we get sick, go to the doctor, take the meds made in a lab, get sicker, go back to the doctor, and the cycle starts all over. Keeping the people sluggish and sick from GMOs is a great way to pump our money into Big Pharma, and keep us controlled.

What can I do?

Sign petitions, march against Monsanto, tell your friends, buy organic or non-GMO, and, as my mom so cleverly said, “GMO means Grow My Own!”, Support your local farmers, and make sure your government knows you want labels on all GMO products. I believe that if enough people revolt, we can beat this; but we are the people, and we must stand up.

Kristin Bishop
Kristin lives in a little town in Washington with her husband (Kyle), and dog (Nimbus). Her passion is to bring her readers the art of clean-living, self-acceptance, and the natural path to longevity in a basic, attainable manner. You can learn more about her at