Entries by Kristin Bishop
Kristin lives in a little town in Washington with her husband (Kyle), and dog (Nimbus). Her passion is to bring her readers the art of clean-living, self-acceptance, and the natural path to longevity in a basic, attainable manner. You can learn more about her at www.KristinBish.com
I became frustrated when googling “Eating on a Budget” and finding blog posts from clearly wealthy people who call having $400 per month per couple for food a “small budget.” I’m here to give you some tips for eating smart…
First off: No shame. We all go through difficult times and need help once in a while. This post is not to debate the effectiveness, use, or misuse of government help, but rather to help those who are on government…
I want to talk a little about having a positive body image during pregnancy. As a woman, loving your body when it’s just your own is hard enough. Continuing to love it as it becomes a vessel for someone else…
I have an overactive bladder. Or maybe just a small one. Either way, I pee all the time. I mean, ALL the time. It’s just the way my body is, and it’s only gotten worse since becoming pregnant. This became…
I’ve always been a sensitive person. At age 6 I developed a hole in my stomach due to the stress of public school, and had to be taken out and homeschooled. At age 14 I was put on Zoloft, and…
Be it coffee or tea, I love having a morning beverage to look forward to. I’m a beverage kind of girl. I would rather have a yummy coffee instead of breakfast, a smoothie instead of lunch, and tea, kombucha, water,…
I wanted to take a closer look at this whole gluten thing. So many people are boycotting it, and even milk cartons are boasting about being gluten free. Is this necessary? Does most of the population have a gluten intolerance,…
It’s getting chilly outside, and my top priority this season is to happily enjoy all the festivities that fall and winter have to give! This means keeping myself and my family healthy, even on the go. Store bough hand sanitizer…
When it comes to the bathroom, things can get a bit complicated. It’s no secret that the modern American diet is greatly lacking in real food and is laden with preservatives, chemicals, and far too little nutrition. If you couple…
In part one, we went over the importance of what you put into your body and how arming yourself with the right nutrients is essential to keeping bugs away. In part two I want to take a look at some…