Most people have probably never even heard of fulvic acid, a substance which is present in the soil and comes from organic matter that has decayed and left behind its residues for thousands of years in the natural process by which minerals and other elements are recycled in the ground. While many people have never heard of it, however, there is much evidence to show that in areas where the soil is particularly rich in this substance – such as in the Himalayan Mountains – the native peoples are known for their longevity and quality of life. Read on to learn more about this amazing health secret!
Fulvic Acid – What it Does, Why it’s Important
Research into fulvic acid has revealed some pretty amazing things about what health benefits it can offer the human body. It has been associated with longevity and with protecting the neurons of the brain from damage, which can lead to cognitive impairment. It has also been shown to help with the removal of heavy metals from the body and to decrease the risk of developing certain serious chronic conditions like diabetes. This is thought to be largely due to its strong antioxidant properties.
The problem is that, while fulvic acid appears naturally in healthy, nourished soils, conventional agriculture is changing all that. Modern practices for land and water usage and the deposition of chemicals like pesticides and herbicides into fields have begun to strip the soil of this important acid, which has been shown to also help the body absorb other nutrients that it needs to stay healthy.
Some nutritionists speculate that this loss of fulvic acid from the soil is one of the reasons why there has been such a sharp increase in the number of people world-wide who suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes. That is why some people choose to supplement with fulvic acid in their diet. However, there are only a few choices available for this kind of supplementation. These include raw, organic, unfiltered dairy and shilajit, a substance used in Ayurvedic medicine and which is available in many health food stores or Ayurvedic practitioners.
To conclude, fulvic acid – though many people have never heard of it – appears to play an important role in the health of the human body, particularly because of its ability to help the body to absorb other nutrients and due to its antioxidant properties which help protect the brain against the ravages of aging. Because modern agriculture is stripping this important nutrient from the soil, it may be necessary to supplement it in the diet in order to make up for this potentially serious deficiency.
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