In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are many classifications of herbs such as, Tonic, Blood Moving, Calming, Dispel Water, etc. The herbs used to bring down heat are called Heat Clearing Herbs. These herbs have the best antiviral and antibacterial actions known to man. What is so amazing about this is most of these herbs have been known for over 3,000 years and at least 1,000 years for all of them.
How in the world, with no knowledge of germs (At least no way to see them in a microscope) did the Chinese discover these amazing germ killing plants? Well, for one thing, they did not worry about what these toxins (germs) looked like. They kept their logic to things like” Stop The Fever” or “”Remove The Toxin” They just took care of the business at hand.
This is the reason TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is still by far the safest, surest, and most advanced medical system in the world. It is not based on the deadly combination of money and technology. It is based clearly on the logic of Yin and Yang.
There are hundreds of these heat clearing herbs but five or six of the most important ones are about all the room we will have in this article. (Which is the beginning in a huge series called “Healing With Herbs” that I will be writing on for the next few months)
Five very important heat clearing herbs which are all used together in the famous formula known as “Viral Defense” are as follows.
Mu Dan Pi : (Mountain Peony)
This Heat Clearing root bark is also associated with epidemic febrile diseases of the blood and is now shown to be effective against a broad range of germs, both viral and bacterial. This was even tested by modern science. (as if we ever needed modern science) However I find it interesting that they could not leave this one alone. Their findings were so positive that they tried to “sweep it under the rug” but it got out.
Da Qing Ye: (Literally meaning Big Green Leaf) Isatas tinctoria
This plant is found in many extremely effective Chinese cold and flu remedies. During the big scare of the “Swine Flu” a few years ago The US tried to sell China our vaccines for this. The Chinese put the vaccine up against a treatment of Da Qing Ye combined with Jin Yin Hua (The Common Honeysuckle Flower) and found the “Swine flu” could be cured in just about two days with the herbal remedy. As you may have guessed, they politely said “no” to our vaccine. This brings me to the third herb
Jin Yin Hua. (Honeysuckle Flower)
Back in the days when I had my old herbal clinic there were so many people that came and told me they felt the flu coming on. I sent them home with a “tea” made from this and they were perfectly well the next day. This herb is almost miraculous in its ability to rid the body of the fevers from both viral and bacterial infections. It actually shows that it can attack and kill the rhino virus associated with the “common cold”. This is a very important herb in the classic Chinese tea-pill for colds and flu known as “Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan”.
Ban Zhi Lien: (Barbed Skullcap)
This is the leaves of a skullcap variety found in China, (Quite similar to an Arizona variety that grows wild in my west pasture) This plant has amazing antiviral properties and as such has shown itself useful in destroying even many kinds of tumor cells.
Xiao Ku Cao: Prunella Vulgaris
This is the flower spikes of the plant called Prunella Vulgaris . A much smaller variety grows in the US and is known as “Self Heal”. The flower spikes of this plant have antiviral and antibacterial properties. It seams to have a very strong action against the herpes virus in particular.
In the formula known as Viral Defense, these herbs are tinctured and used in almost equal parts along with an equal part of the root of a Western Rocky Mountain plant known as Osha. (A powerful antiviral herb that clears heat through sweating)
To this a very small amount of licorice root is added (To cause the herbs to function together better as a unit) This formula is incredible as to how fast it can kill flu (Many times over night if caught early) and It is hard to find a virus it will not destroy quickly (Including Herpes and HPV)
About the Author:
Chris Gussa is the Owner, founder and formulator for Plant Cures Incorporated. A family owned business since 1992 handcrafting over one hundred and fifty serious herbal products for specific disorders with over fifty tonic herbal products. People know these formulas work and Plant Cures has never needed to advertise.
Plant Cures Incorporated is here for those who keep their bodies running on what God has provided and for those who do not trust the Pharma/Medical system due to bad experiences or due to just good common sense!
Chris is also an Arizona Cattle Rancher raising grass-fed organically grown black Saler cattle. His small herd is well known for their prolific and gentle black polled Saler bulls.
Chris wrote the best selling book entitled “His Hand Has Provided” – “A Christian Cowboys Guide To Nutrition And Natural Healing With Herbs” It is available here.