Entries by Veronica Davis


Does Your Son Or Daughter Have A Substance Abuse Problem?

Recognizing the signs of drug and alcohol addiction is easy enough – if you know what to look for. The problem is that many teens who start coming home with weird behavior are hardly ever viewed as having a drug… 0 Shares |

The Food Psychic Phenomenon

Many believers today turn to psychic readings online, as it’s a lot easier and faster than going to a live psychic in your local area (if there even is on in the local area). Psychic mediums don’t need your physical… 0 Shares |

School Laptop and Tablet Programs Increase Yet Again

A laptop has become more important than ever for success in college. Without a laptop to take notes on, complete assignments on and research the web (wherever the student happens to be), it is immeasurably harder to be a good… 0 Shares |

Initiator of Orchestra of the 18th Century Passes at 79

The conductor and chief figure in Dutch early music scene has passed away at his home in Amsterdam. Nevertheless, he leaves us behind a rich recorded legacy. Frans Bruggen, the Dutch conductor, baroque flautist and recorder player, breathed his last… 0 Shares |

Fun and Effective Fund Raising Ideas

Raising funds can be a difficult task regardless of the cause. Many people have trouble asking others for money due to the fear of rejection. What most people don’t realize is that it’s how you ask that determines if you… 0 Shares |

An Apple, No Some Laughter Per Day Keeps the Doctor Away

In regards to alternative medicine, laughter seems to be one of the most effective. It has been proven to not only lift your spirits but actually expedite and encourage healing. Generate Endorphins Laughter is also said to release endorphins. Endorphins… 0 Shares |

Skip the ER with a Home Visit or Online Doctor Visit

House calls may be considered outdated, yet still an effective service that has started to become popular once again. Wouldn’t you rather be able to call your doctor in the case of an emergency, than be tortured by the emergency… 0 Shares |

Mesothelioma Not Just a Problem of the Past

Mesothelioma is known as the silent killer for many who have been exposed to asbestos. This aggressive cancer found in the lungs or stomach lining, usually remains undetected until it’s late stages. Approximately 3,000 cases are reported each year in… 0 Shares |

Are You at Risk for Toenail Fungus?

The word fungus alone is enough to make most people cringe.Toenail fungus sounds even less appealing. The medical term for toenail fungus is onychomycosis. It’s an infection that starts beneath your nail bed. If it’s not cared for properly it… 0 Shares |

7 Outrageously Expensive Homes in the U.S

Ever gone window shopping? You may not have enough to buy the things you want, but you take in the items and prices displayed at the storefronts. Then you take a mental note of what you will buy when you… 0 Shares |