Entries by Jordan Markuson


Jordan Markuson is the founder and CEO of Aqua Health Labs, a revolutionary concept in dietary supplementation. A former internet advertising executive with extensive Chicago real estate holdings, a love for the outdoors inspired him to leverage his commercial expertise for the greater good. Exploring natural options to support recovery from a serious skiing injury and pain management for fibromyalgia led him to extensively research the science of essential fatty acids. Now, this independent entrepreneurial conservationist is a passionate advocate for environmentally sustainable healthy living practices. Jordan is a frequent content contributor to healthy living websites and publications, and is available for speaking engagements. Email [email protected] to learn more.

Can you name the 3 Omega’s? Part 3 – DHA

The term Omega-3 fatty acids are describing 3 fats: ALA, EPA & DHA.  Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids, meaning that they cannot be synthesized by the human body – except for a limited ability by mammals.  Omega-3 fatty acids… 0 Shares |

Can you name the 3 Omega’s? Part 2 – EPA

  The term Omega-3 fatty acids are describing 3 fats: ALA, EPA & DHA.  Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids, meaning that they cannot be synthesized by the human body – except for a limited ability by mammals.  Omega-3 fatty… 0 Shares |

Can you name the 3 Omega’s? Part 1 – ALA

The term Omega-3 fatty acids are describing 3 fats: ALA, EPA & DHA.  Omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids, meaning that they cannot be synthesized by the human body – except for a limited ability by mammals.  Omega-3 fatty acids… 0 Shares |

Astaxanthin – The God Carotenoid

  There are over 600 known carotenoids.  They are vastly different in their structure and health benefits but they have been grossly under researched.  One fact remains though, “People consuming diets rich in carotenoids from natural foods are healthier and… 0 Shares |

Fukushima Claims Biggest Vicitim

As reported today by The Lightly Braised Turnip,  for the second time in recent months, a giant sea creature has washed ashore in California.  First it was a rare oarfish that had grown to a freakish 100-foot length.  This time… 0 Shares |

Pharmacies Sell Your Info to Big Pharma for Big $$

Charles Ornstein of ProPublica.org reports: Need another reminder of how much drugmakers spend to discover what doctors are prescribing? Look no further than new documents from the leading keeper of such data. IMS Health Holdings Inc. says it pulled in… 0 Shares |

Nuclear Fish

As the nuclear fallout from Fukushima reaches our Pacific beaches it’s time to personally accept and respond to this major catastrophe.  Mike Adams of Natural News is reporting that local county officials in Half Moon Bay, CA have found a… 0 Shares |

Why Live Phytoplankton is Superior

We have grown up being told that fresh vegetables are always the best – But why?  Frozen vegetables lose many of their nutrients, just like marine phytoplankton.  It is important to understand what happens to phytoplankton cells when they are… 0 Shares |

The Other Green Vegetable

One of humanity’s greatest achievements is the development of farming.  Farming was key in the rise of the “sedentary lifestyle” that allowed people to remain in one location and build settlements.   The great cities and towns in which we have… 0 Shares |

Essential Amino Acids – Where do you get yours?

You may have heard of amino acids, but what are they and what do they have to do with Marine Phytoplankton? The answer to that is easy! Amino acids play a very important role in all sorts of functions throughout… 0 Shares |