Entries by Cindy Burrows
Cynthia Burrows, M.T. CWC, Herbalist Cynthia Burrows, from Austin, Texas, owns Cindy Burrows, Natural Health Consultant; assisting individuals with health issues they would like to change. She will set up a program giving choices of foods, herbs, teas and homeopathic suggestions. Cindy is past owner of Nature’s Healing Herbs, an Herbal, Green Tea, and Tincture product line, and a rare product line of Green Tea Foods. She has certificates for Herbalist at East West School of Herbology, and as Wellness Consultant with the Wellness Forum in Ohio. Cindy is also a Medical Technologist, with a B.S. degree from Mansfield University in Mansfield Pa., she has been in healthcare for over 30 years. In 2005, she started using a new device founded in Europe, Quantum Biofeedback, “an energy rebalancing of the body”, by using our bodies electricity or frequency waves it can detect stress points in the body, she has added this to her consulting practice. She now has her Certification as a Biofeedback Specialist. She helps her clients by working with the synergy of herbs, food, homeopathy, and aromatherapy within her practice. She is a speaker, writer, and teacher. Cindy has been interviewed on TV; about the benefits of Green Tea and has been on radio about her small business tour to Ecuador. Cindy has been an herbalist for over 20 years and has spent 6 years learning through the East West School of Herbology with Michael Tierra. She has studied Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic Herbs with a strong emphasis on nutrition. Along with many other continued studies of alternative and complementary medicine. She is a Certified Wellness Consultant, through a special program, The Wellness Forum, which has its nutrition program, now part of the curriculum at Ohio State University, providing educational seminars and workshops designed to impart relevant nutrition information to individuals to take control of their own health. These programs give healthier options and choices that can impact your longevity and quality of life. Cindy has been a speaker to many groups and has conducted many of her own classes on food and healthy life style programs. Cindy has been involved with a hands-on healing program for the past 4 years and offers energy healing, through donation only, to anyone who needs her services. She is Co-president of the Austin Herb Society and a member of the American Herbalist Guild. Cynthia has been a board member on many programs in the past including; La Sertoma, Arthritis Foundation, Toastmasters International, National Association of Female Executives, Handicapped Equestrian Learning Program, Entrepreneurs Association, and Austin Integrated Health Care Program. Cindy also loves nature, animals, reading, blending teas, juices, etc.; likes to hike, and work with plants and, of course, cooking., mostly vegetarian. Cindy has an adventurous streak. She has organized and taken tours with business and artists groups to Big Bend, Texas, New Mexico, USA, and Ecuador, South America.

8 Ways To Recharge Your Brain Cells
Some scientists say we start losing our memory and other cognitive abilities as early as our 20’s; although we don’t notice it until decades later. A healthy diet and the right food and supplements can help to ensure our… 0 Shares |
Five Egg Allergy Myths
Eggs are one of the most common allergic reactions for individuals today. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says egg proteins cause mild to severe allergy reactions from skin irritations and hives to severe breathing and abdominal pains.… 0 Shares |
Four Brain Foods to Help Depression
Depression, anxiety and stress are such common complaints heard today. Fifty percent of doctor visits are due to depression and stress; it also has become a big topic being discussed and written about by media throughout the world. Diseases of… 0 Shares |
Our Liver: The Star Organ of our Body
Our liver is by the most important metabolic and detoxification organ in our body. It helps to metabolize all the fats, carbohydrates and proteins we eat. This breakdown of compounds we ingest, gives us our energy, our vitamins and minerals… 0 Shares |
Internal and External Anti-Aging Skin Repair
Many of us older folks are interested in skin repair due to how aging can affect the skin, causing wrinkles, aging spots and dryness of our skin cells. No matter how hard we try to protect and nourish our skin,… 0 Shares |
Six Herbs to Decrease Aging
There are six herbs that have been studied for years and in many cultures which are very successful for anti -aging or slowing down the aging process. There are other substances that also help with aging symptoms; many are supplements… 0 Shares |
10 Ways to Increase Natural Longevity
Many of us would like to control the aging process, slow down the wrinkled look, the aches and pains of aging, the more rapid onset of diseases; but it is inevitable! That is what everyone tells you. There is no… 0 Shares |
4 Ways to Warm and Spice Up Your Health
When the temperatures drop outside, we want to warm up inside! The benefits of using warming winter spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cloves, is our body stays warm and healthy. Let’s look at some recipes and wonderful health… 0 Shares |
7 Ways Fiber Assists Digestion
Fiber experts say 30-50 grams of fiber per day is best. This helps the movement of food and other components in the intestinal system, commonly called the peristalsis action. This allows food taken in to be digested, broken down and… 0 Shares |