Entries by Bette Dowdell


A drunk driver pretty much destroyed my health a month before my first birthday. Doctors said I was fine--for years. Finally realizing my health was up to me, I started researching. I got out the health ditch I was in, and found my future: Giving people the information they need to understand how to take control of their own health. It's been an amazing journey, and I look forward to all that is yet to come.

Your Parathyroid Glands: Defenders of Calcium

Our parathyroid glands are part of our endocrine system, the overly complicated, under appreciated system that controls all of our health. Chances are you’ve never heard of these glands; who hears about well-behaved glands? But the parathyroid glands aren’t perfect.… 0 Shares |

The Hypothalamus: Our Unknown King

The hypothalamus, king of our body’s world, is kinda, sorta part of the brain. That is, while it’s attached to the base of the brain and referred to as part of the brain, the hypothalamus isn’t protected by the blood/brain… 0 Shares |

This Is Your Pineal Gland

Deep in your brain, in its own little Bat-Cave that sits between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, sits the pineal (PIN ee ull) gland. Mystics call the pineal our “Third Eye,” and say it gives us extrasensory… 0 Shares |

Your Pituitary: The Leader of the Band

Our endocrine system is one bedazzling piece of work. And from its home behind the bridge of our nose, the pituitary gland leads the band, keeping all the parts in tune with each other. Your pituitary gland controls all your… 0 Shares |

This Is Your Thymus

Our thymus gland, located behind our breast bone, leads the immune system into battle against evildoers intending to snatch our health away. So we know where it is and what it does. And that about sums it up for most… 0 Shares |

These Are Your Adrenals

These Are Your Adrenal Glands Located in your back, atop the kidneys on either side of your spine, the adrenal glands provide your energy, your ability to cope with stress, the wisdom to choose fight or flight, and so on.… 0 Shares |

Introducing the Endocrine System

The busy, busy endocrine system determines how long we live and how well. Well, who knew? Truth to tell, most of us don’t know much about this amazing system–where it is, what it does, what happens when it doesn’t do… 0 Shares |

This Is Your Thyroid

Pretty much everybody’s heard about the thyroid. Probably because of all the trouble it gets into. Plus the fact it never suffers in silence. If your thyroid’s unhappy, you know about it. Hoo Boy, do you know about it. It… 0 Shares |

Bette’s Story

A month before my first birthday, on our way to Grandpa and Grandma’s house for Christmas, a drunk driver smashed head-on into my parents’ car. Built in the days before seat belts were mandated, our old car had none. My… 0 Shares |