Our thymus gland, located behind our breast bone, leads the immune system into battle against evildoers intending to snatch our health away.
So we know where it is and what it does. And that about sums it up for most of us. It seems like we should know more about such a big-time player, but we don’t. At least, doctors and patients don’t.
Researchers know a fair amount about the thymus. While they’ve come a very long way, many miles still lie ahead of them. Even when they reach the end of the trail, they’ll still have to persuade the medical community. All of which will take time. Lots and lots of time.
Rather than wait for a big announcement, I propose we look at a little history, some research about how the thymus works, and what it needs to do all it has to do.
First, some history.
When we’re born, our thymus gland is big and strong. When we die, it’s a few puny fat cells. And the working understanding–or more accurately, misunderstanding–of the thymus pretty much comes from those two facts.
Back in the day, doctors decided a big thymus led to crib death and started removing them, condemning the babies, now without a defense system, to a shortened life of poor health.
Fortunately, that practice died pretty quickly, and now big-at-birth is the accepted norm.
The misunderstanding about the other end of life continues, however. The poobahs inform us puberty is the beginning of the end for the thymus, starting the conversion of healthy thymus tissue into useless fat. And when that process is finished, so are you.
And since, according to medicine, this process is inevitable and unstoppable, nothing can be done. Which sounds like volunteering for defeat without a single thought of fighting for victory.
And it’s this thinking that leads us to the current understanding of autoimmune diseases. Medicine doesn’t know what causes autoimmune disease or how to reverse it, but they know, apparently from the reading of some tea leaves, that autoimmune disease means your thymus isn’t turning to fat quickly enough and needs some encouragement to hurry along this death march. No scientific evidence supports this belief of a too-strong thymus, but there you are.
And now some facts.
Your thymus should be big and brassy all your years–and will be if you give your body the nutrition it needs and avoid the toxins that weaken it.
The thymus responds to diseases–most of which you can avoid with pro-nutrition, anti-toxin actions–by firing off every bit of ammunition it has, and it shrinks when empty–but only temporarily. Pump up your nutrition, and you pump up your thymus.
Your thymus can’t be too strong. If autoimmune diseases strike, it’s not because of a strong thymus, but because of years of poor nutrition–usually based on advice by experts–and the toxins in the environment have whacked your thymus like nobody’s business. That poor baby doesn’t know which way is up, let alone have the energy to fight.
If you offer no aid or comfort to your thymus, there will come a day when it runs out of ammunition and loses its battle with disease, so you die. Your thymus will be a mere shadow of its former self, just a few fat cells, because it just gave everything it had to fight an all-out war, not because that’s just the way things are.
So, what whacks the thymus?
1. Fluoride causes disease and also prevents our bodies from fighting disease. It’s poison, pure and simple, and it reduces thymus function, which ruins our health, but it never does a lick of good–no matter what advertisements say.
2. A low-fat diet doesn’t give the thymus, or any of our endocrine glands, the raw materials to create the hormones that do the work.
3. Aspartame whacks the entire endocrine system. It should be outlawed, but it won’t be.
4. The same goes for monosodium glutamate (MSG): It whacks the immune system, the rest of the endocrine system–and your brain, just because it can.
5. Soy is chock-a-block full of glutamate–which whacks all the endocrine glands–and bogus estrogen, which throws the wounded endocrine warriors into a civil war.
6. Factory-farm meat and dairy (as sold in grocery stores) are full of bogus estrogen, too. Not to mention antibiotics, which fight against the thymus. Eat grass-fed meat and dairy.
Well, I could go on. And I do in my Moving to Health program (http://MovingToHealth.com).
But for now, getting rid of the six bad boys mentioned above will make a big difference.
About the author: Bette Dowdell defines determination. In a really deep health ditch, with doctors who didn’t help, she got her Oh-Yeah! attitude in gear and researched her way out. She never intended to be a health expert, but sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Bette’s still researching, and you can get her free e-mails by signing up at http://TooPoopedToParticipate.com