Entries by Michele Boyer

Michele Boyer

Fulltimers in spirit since 1999. We've worked from home since 1977 and have plenty to share about that. As a full timer, the ability to work from wherever we take our RV is a survival tactic. Our travels our funded through writings, Udemy.com courses, Shoestring Startup™ business books, teaching courses in working from home or RV, courses in genealogy, and our affiliate sales of similar materials. Our resource pages are accessible through http://www.adhocgroup.net. Everyone can do something, and we'll help you live healthier by making a living from whatever it is you do, naturally. Full timing was the best decision we ever made. We enjoy a healthier lifestyle and time to give and take according to the opportunities life presents us.

RV Water Tanks May Cause Avoidable Legionella Infections

A study done by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on RVs showed that Legionella pneumophila was cultured from 24% (4 of 17) of RV faucets, 9% (1 of 11) of RV water tanks, and 20% (4 of 20) of… 0 Shares |

Nine Everyday Uses For Plain Old White Vinegar

We all run into situations where we end up using chemical products we don’t want to use. So, it’s nice to know there’s a safer alternative. Trusty old vinegar, especially white vinegar, can solve many of those problems without side… 0 Shares |

Squirrels and the Great RV Lifestyle

The view from my RV “office” makes me feel so peaceful and relaxed. It seems that most places we’ve parked have given us a great view from at least one window. And fortunately, it’s usually the one by what I… 0 Shares |

Diets: Could Healthy Diets Make Us Feel Sick

Watching your diet? Millions of us are. With so many conflicting diets and recommendations, many of us go diet hopping, and still don’t get the results we strive for. While we’re trying to figure out what’s best ­– Paleo, Vegetarian,… 0 Shares |

Natural Cures that Enhance Diabetes Medications

As a followup to last month’s article on patient dumping, I’ll present some ways to take charge of diabetes using natural cures. Keep in mind that the techniques are similar whether you’re trying to control cholesterol, heart disease, lipids, kidney… 0 Shares |

Patient Abandonment! Can My Doctor Do That?

What would you do if your doctor/provider threatened to stop providing your care? I never thought my doctor could “fire” me, but that’s something she implied during my last checkup. Without genuine cause, this could be considered patient abandonment. HERE’S… 0 Shares |

Prepare for Disasters While Supplies Last

I was going to write about fitness this week. But with the flooding disasters, last week, in Colorado and New Mexico it seemed important to expound on disasters and preparedness, again this week. This was especially important since more hard… 0 Shares |

Preparing for Disasters While Supplies Last

I was going to write about fitness this week. But with the flooding disasters going on in Colorado and New Mexico it seemed important to expound on disasters and preparedness, again this week. This was especially important since more hard… 0 Shares |

Emergency Preparedness for RVers: How to Get Ready for Any Emergency

Preparedness: You Can Be the Hero September 2013 is National Preparedness Month. This year’s National Preparedness Month’s theme is “You Can Be the Hero.” The goal is to encourage every American to be ready for any emergency. Full time RVers… 0 Shares |

Special Needs Children Enjoy Full Time RVing

The full time RVers culture is so different than it was ten or fifteen years ago. The world of fulltime RVing is beginning to look like a cross section of America. Today, fulltimers are not just retired seniors. They include… 0 Shares |