Entries by Alijuina Herw


Alijuina Herw is a passionate, tea-loving, nutritionist, herbalist , who believes in the healing power of nature. She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness. She like to see her as a very holistic nutritionist, herbalist that you can trust for the best advice and service for your health.

A Powerful Anti-Anxiety Elixir: More Effective than Medication in Treating Anxiety

Anxious behavior befalls us all at one time or another, yet it doesn’t have to be an ongoing issue. Many stress-relievers exist to bring our nerves back into alignment again, so lets take a look at how our nervous system… 0 Shares |

5 Shocking Sign of Copper Toxicity In Our Body

How much copper have you consumed through your surroundings as well as food? The vast majority of people aren’t aware that copper (and other heavy metals) might be completely damaging their health at this very moment. Copper toxicity is truly… 0 Shares |

Roasted Cauliflower and Potato Soup – A Simple Digestive Tonic

Making top notch soup doesn’t require formal training or a pint of heavy cream. To make soup that your family and friends will rave about, all you need are a handful of wholesome ingredients: two heads of cauliflower, a couple… 0 Shares |

16 Herbs And Foods To Cleanse Blood Toxin‏ Naturally

Here are some simple herbs and foods to help purify and optimize your blood and which can also help cleanse your liver, kill viruses, and reduce the risk of cancer cells forming. In order to keep our bodies and especially… 0 Shares |

12 Natural Ways to Keep Cool Your Home Without Air Conditioning

There are simple ways you can stay cool without air conditioning, keep your power bill down and fight climate change at the same time. Summer time are coming, and for most people that means it’s time to crank up the… 0 Shares |

Do You Smoke? 6 Foods to Flush Nicotine Out of Your Body Naturally

Nicotine is one of the most powerful substances in cigarettes that millions of people are addicted to.  Here are some tips in flushing your system and body from nicotine so you can totally give up  cigarette Smoking and the many… 0 Shares |

10 Substances That Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes has grown to “epidemic” proportions and the latest statistics revealed by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) state that 25.8 million Americans have diabetes. Also, research from the ADA shows that 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes, which is… 0 Shares |

Mulberry Leaf Reduce Triglycerides, LDL-c and Artery Inflammation

According to researchers with Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University, the ancient mulberry leaf can not only lessen arterial inflammation, but can lower both triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein levels as well. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States,… 0 Shares |

14 Non-Toxic Natural oils that act as a partial sunscreen

If you’re looking to wear plan oil as your sunscreen of choice, I have some options below, in order of their sun protection value (raspberry, despite having lower SPF than carrot seed comes first because it takes care of UVA… 0 Shares |

11 Air Purifying House Plants That Are Almost Impossible to Kill

Now a days air purifying plants have gained special importance in lives of people; reason being, they are the best and cheapest way to keep the indoor atmosphere and ambience as healthy and environment friendly as possible. However, there are… 0 Shares |