For those of you who didn’t know, your laundry detergent, favorite mascara, body wash, and perfume all most likely tests on animals. The basic rule is this: if you can buy it at a supermarket or convenience store, there’s a very good chance that your product tests on animals. Cleaning products, lawn fertilizers, beauty products, and pharmaceuticals are all tested on animals. There are some companies out there that do not test on animals, and these products are becoming more and more popular in conventional stores. A simple Internet search of your favorite brand or product can tell you whether or not it tests on animals. If your product does not have a “no animal testing” label, it tests!
But is animal testing really necessary?
Animals and Humans Are Not the Same
While humans have many things in common with different mammals, especially primates, we are not the same creatures. We are different in our anatomy, biology, and chemistry, therefore products shown to have an affect on animals will not always have an affect on humans, and vice versa. While animal testing is very common in the United States and some other countries, animal testing is not a reliable source of information. Not to mention it is cruel to be spraying bunnies with lawn fertilizer so that we can use it to make our grass pretty. In addition to this, many animals, especially prey animals such as rabbits, mice, and rats, do not have reactions to pain, because in the wild this would single them out as primary targets for their predators. Rabbits particularly will not react to pain, even if put through extreme measures. Why test on an animal that cannot tell you if its hurting? What results does this give?
Why We Don’t Need It
Many people will argue that we need animal testing, especially for certain medications and therapy. However, nearly all medications treat symptoms of our ailments rather than the actual ailments themselves. Many, if not all, of our ailments can be linked to the food we’re eating. Genetically modified organisms, non-organic produce, artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives were not made to be a part of our diets. If we’re making ourselves sick, what sense does it make to rely on animal testing to try and make us better? If people ate more organic fruits and vegetables, healthy grains such as quinoa and brown or wild rice, and exercised and took care of their bodies, we might not even need pharmaceutical medications to “make us better”. Take responsibility for your health and educate yourself about your body.
Beauty products contain chemicals that, if they “need” to be tested on animals, are by this point clearly not safe for human use. If beauty products used natural ingredients, there would be no need for animal testing, no warning labels about how not to ingest this product, and companies would save money. While natural cleaning and beauty products are more expensive to make than their conventional counterparts, this comes with another price.
Animals are relatively cheap to breed, take care of, and kill when they live in tiny metal cages in labs. This is where huge companies can make loads of profit. If these companies would turn to human volunteers for testing, or better yet, invest in natural and organic ingredients to make their products, they would have to shell out more money. But at who’s expense? The animals living a life of torture and pain did not ask to be tested on, and the companies making a profit off of these creatures certainly aren’t worth your hard-earned money.
A World Without Animal Testing Is Healthier
Animal testing doesn’t have to happen. All the chemicals that are being used on those animals are unhealthy for our environment, our children, and our homes. Not to mention the animals are usually euthanized after the experiments are over and the results are recorded, whether it be feeding a cat laundry detergent or spraying perfume in a rabbit’s eye. This practice of euthanizing, while being “humane”, creates a need for more chemicals, more drugs, and more labs to experiment on and kill these animals.
Our world does not need to be toxic or have these man-made toxins. Natural beauty and cleaning products are possible; many companies all over the world are making them and have been for years. You can even make your own cleaning and beauty products at home, but there’s no money in that for the companies, so this idea is not broadcast.
If we all ate healthier and took care of our bodies, the need for pharmaceutical medication would decrease, people would invest in more natural and holistic forms of care for our bodies (therefore actually treating our ailments rather than our symptoms), and the world would be a healthier, less-free place.
You tell me. Is animal testing necessary, or would you like to live a whole and natural life?