Entries by Jenn Ryan

How the Coming Health Insurance Changes Will Affect Your Wellness
There’s no question that our fitness, wellness, and total health are tied in with our health insurance. Our new president signed an order to effectively begin the process of dismantling the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This means that coverage for… 0 Shares |
Your Guide to Health Insurance and Alternative Medicine
Finding and obtaining a health insurance policy that fits your needs can feel like a huge chore. With the time it takes to sift through information about plans and compare them, it can feel like it just isn’t worth the… 0 Shares |
Can You Get a Stunning and Healthy Smile with Coconut Oil?
We all know about the popular and ancient practice of oil pulling, but many of us don’t understand how this practice works or how exactly it benefits our teeth! Oil pulling began in Ayurvedic medicine thousands of years ago and… 0 Shares |
Chinese Cinnamon Twig Tea for Your Summer Cold
But people don’t get summer colds! Right? Not true. I got so stressed out from moving to another state this summer that the evening I arrived at my new home, I fell victim to the flu. It was terrible. It… 0 Shares |
5 Signs Your Dog Has Lyme’s Disease
Lyme’s disease is one of the most devastating diseases for your pet and can eventually cause death through kidney failure if left untreated. Your dog can only get Lyme’s if an infected tick was attached to your pet for a… 0 Shares |
How to Make the Most of Pain Management
When you’re getting treatment for chronic pain, you want to be sure that you’re doing everything you can to make the most of your treatment. Living with chronic pain can feel like a heavy burden. Pain management specialists are there… 0 Shares |
How Sugar Is Killing You
It’s in almost everything—from dog treats to soups to barbecue sauce and Asian food. Foods that you’d think it wouldn’t be in, it’s there. Sugar has become something of a staple for our society even though it has absolutely zero… 0 Shares |
The Zen Green Guide to Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is coming up this week, and many people are in a hustle to get food, prepare it, and prepare their homes for visitors, whether they’re invited or not. Thanksgiving is traditionally about food and family. Stress comes with preparing… 0 Shares |
How Pets Boost Your Mood and Keep You Healthy
There’s nothing quite like owning a pet. Some people have had pets their entire lives; others don’t adopt their first animal until adulthood. Regardless of when a pet entered your life, many people are experiencing the health benefits of having… 0 Shares |