5 Superfoods You Should be Eating


When people think about the term “superfood”, unfortunately what often comes to mind is something exotic and expensive from half-way around the world that no one’s ever heard of before! Nothing could be further from the truth. Many “superfoods” are readily available in regular supermarkets and there might be some in your refrigerator or pantry that you hadn’t even though of. Below are five common superfoods you might already have around the home and that are “super” good for you!

Green Tea

There’s a box of green tea in nearly every home nowadays – and with good reason, too. This “superdrink” is chuck-full of antioxidants due to the fact that it contains catechins, phytonutrients that can, among other things, reduce your risk for developing certain forms of cancer. The antioxidant properties in this tea also support cardiac health by reducing bad LDL cholesterol levels and can support weight loss by stimulating the metabolism, hence its inclusion in so many diet aids.

Flax Seed

This seed, after a bout of popularity, seems to be making a comeback in recent years and can be found in most mainstream supermarkets. It is an excellent choice for vegetarians since it is a good source of plant-based protein, but everyone can benefit from the fact that it is loaded with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which can aid weight loss, improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.


These guys got a bad rap during the notorious “egg” scare of the eighties, but now everyone seems to be admitting that eggs are actually not only an almost perfect source of protein, they also are one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D and also contain choline, a compound which support nervous system and cardiac function. And what many people do not realize is that eggs are also a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants which promote the health of the eyes.


Not only is this a delicious way to flavor food, but this pungent bulb has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. It promotes heart health through regulated blood pressure and cholesterol levels and can also prevent breast, colon and prostate cancers from developing. Its powerful antioxidants also stimulate the immune system and make it easier for the body to ward against infections or disease.


Many people shy away from this food since it is calorie- and fat-rich, but these are actually quite good for you. If eaten in the morning, peanuts can help regulate the blood sugars throughout the day, even after high-carbohydrate meals. Peanuts are also a rich source of arginine, which improves circulation and also increases muscle mass; it is likely because of this that people who eat peanuts regularly have been shown to have leaner bodies, even if they do consume more calories.

Likely many if not all of the foods mentioned above are already hanging out around the house. So eat up! They one and all can bring you a slew of health benefits without breaking the bank.

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Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.