4 Reasons Spray Vitamins Are Better For You Than Pills


Have you stopped taking vitamins and health supplements because you cannot tolerate swallowing a bunch of pills? If you answered yes, then you may want to pay attention. An increasing number of people have stopped taking or just never tried taking vitamins and health supplements because they just cannot stand swallowing a handful of pills. Actually, there are a number of people who would never even think of taking a supplement because they just won’t take pills at all. Until recently, pills were your only option. Now, with a breakthrough in vitamin and health supplement delivery you can get all of the nutrients your body needs to achieve optimal health without having to take pills. People now have the ability to obtain their RDA of a number of vital nutrients in the form of a spray. Here are 4 Reasons Spray Vitamins Are Better For You Than Pills:

1. Ingesting your vitamins and supplements doesn’t offer the most effective absorption – When you ingest capsules or pills orally, they must pass through your stomach before they can be absorbed into your body.  Your stomach is filled with acids that can destroy the nutrients contained in your vitamins and health supplements before they can be absorbed by your body. When you use a spray, it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the tissue in your mouth.

2. Pills and capsules can contain extra additives – Capsules, softgels and pills may contain extra ingredients such as magnesium stearate, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, and titanium dioxide that may not only interfere with absorption, but can also be toxic (3). These extra added ingredients are present because they are used in the manufacturing and encapsulation of your vitamins and health supplements. Spray supplements are generally made of only water and the vitamin or nutrient you are trying to obtain.

3. Spray vitamins and supplements have a much higher absorption rate – When you ingest your vitamins and health supplements, the amount which your body actually absorbs is, on average, about 20% to 25%. When you take them in the form of a spray, the absorption rate can increase to around 80% (2).

4. Many vitamins and minerals can upset your stomach – Many people also have a tendency to avoid taking vitamins and minerals because these products tend to upset their stomach. There are some nutrients that generally irritate your stomach, no matter what. One of these is iron. Iron, along with other heavy metals, is notorious for causing upset stomachs. A spray iron supplement can help alleviate this problem, by bypassing your stomach.

Whatever method you choose to get your vital nutrients, just make sure you get them. Many Americans are deficient in more than one essential nutrient. It is reported up to 31% of people are deficient in vitamin D, 24% are deficient in iron and while there are no exact numbers, childbearing women are becoming iodine deficient(1). The point is, with most everyone always on the go and eating fast food, they are not eating a healthy, balanced diet. You must obtain your RDA of essential nutrients to maintain optimal health and avoid major diseases. Using supplements can help fill the gaps in your diet.


1. cdc.gov/media/releases/2012/p0402_vitamins_nutrients.html

2. vitamist.com/blogs/articles?page=2

3. draxe.com/4-dangerous-and-common-vitamin-fillers-you-must-avoid

Ryan Terko
I am a 34 year old male with 12 years of experience in vitamins and health supplements. I believe a healthy lifestyle is essential to feeling great, enjoying life and avoiding chronic and sometimes deadly health issues. I also believe it is important for us to share our knowledge with each other to help educate others on leading health topics. I started my company Vitamins2You.com 2 years ago with customers in mind. My previous experiences with other supplement retailers left me wondering why they didn't value their customers as people. They just pushed products they wanted to sell instead trying help people find answers to real problems. Our #1 priority at Vitamins2You.com is treating customers like people and not profits. We only sell premium quality products that won't do more harm than good. If you have any health questions, feel free to email us and we will do our best to help.