Ways to Add Turmeric to Your Daily Diet


If you are into health magazines or websites, then chances are you’ve heard about the amazing healthy benefits to be had from turmeric. This deep golden spice is good for the treatment of a variety of ailments and has been linked to a reduced chance of developing serious conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even certain forms of cancer. But you also might be wondering just how you can include it in your daily diet to reap all these benefits! Below are some simple ways to do this.

Turmeric “Sprinkler”

One simple way to add more turmeric to your diet is simply to sprinkle it on a variety of dishes. Turmeric goes well with eggs, beans, rice, vegetables or roast potatoes, just to name a few. You can also experiment in the kitchen and find out what other foods you particularly like to use the turmeric with – you are limited only by your imagination and willingness to experiment!

Turmeric Tea

For a great, warming cup of tea, cut a piece of turmeric root into one inch pieces and boil them in water for fifteen minutes. Then strain the water out, add lemon and honey or other spices to suit your taste (ginger can be a great addition to this). This can be stored up to 3 days in the refrigerator and can be drunk either hot or cold.

Turmeric Smoothies

If you like smoothies and are looking for a way to make them healthier, then try adding turmeric. You will find that this spice adds a certain zest to the flavor the fruit and yogurt and you will be giving yourself even more antioxidants and nutrients to get your day started off right. It is also fast and easy, so you can manage it even on a hectic morning!

Turmeric Milk

Looking for a great way to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day? Then considering a nightcap of turmeric milk. To make this warming drink, simply add ½ teaspoon of turmeric together with ¼ teaspoon of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon along with honey to taste to a cup of warm almond milk. This is a delicious way to unwind at the end of the day and can relax you and help you get a good night’s sleep.

As you can see, none of these suggestions involve very much preparation or a lot of time – you are basically just adding turmeric to many of the foods and beverages you already consume! You will find, though, that such little changes can really add up and by increasing your intake of turmeric, you are adding an array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to your diet that will greatly enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

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Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.