Top 8 Benefits And Uses Of Vitamins For Damaged Hair


It’s a common misconception that if your haircare products include ‘Vitamin B’ that you don’t need to worry about your hair becoming dry and damaged. Although these products help, they are not enough by itself to provide your hair with all the vitamins you need. It is very important to include all the top vitamins to receive the top benefits for the health of your hair. By educating yourself with what foods include which vitamins you can figure out a nice and balanced diet to allow yourself enough of each vitamin to achieve shiny, luxurious, healthy hair.

Vitamins –

# Vitamin B –

Vitamin B is one of the most important and necessary vitamins for your hair, often referred to as the vitamin B complex. There is a range of different types (b1, b2, b3, b5, b6, b7, b9, b12). B vitamins affect our energy and nerves, skin, hair, and nails. Including vitamin B in your daily diet is very important to avoid deficiency a good food source include meat, eggs, nuts, grains and vegetables.

# Protein –

Although not classed as a vitamin, protein is essential for your hairs health. As your hair becomes damaged holes’ form throughout the follicles so when you add protein this helps to fill these holes repairing it preventing your hair from snapping and being damaged. Foods rich in protein are broccoli, spinach, and Quinoa.

# Vitamin D –

Vitamin D is well known from being consumed naturally from the sun which is easy to follow when it’s mid-summer but when it becomes the dark and dull winter it becomes more difficult. which is why it is common to lack in vitamin D in the summer. Which why we suggest to still eat as many vitamin D filled foods as you can such as; fatty fish, mushroom, egg and milk.

# Vitamin E –

Vitamin E is not a very common vitamin talked about although it is just as essential as the rest as it is an antioxidant it helps to rebuild tissues great for damaged hair. Take a look at Vitamin E enriched foods include almonds, broccoli, seeds and avocado.

# Vitamin A –

Vitamin A is another vitamin essential for hair cell growth, as it produces sebum which is a form of oil which prevents the scalp from drying out. Foods rich in vitamin A are carrots, melon, and leafy greens.

# Vitamin C –

Vitamin C is a well-known vitamin that helps our immune system to fight illness and diseases. As vitamin C helps produce collagen this is fabulous for your hair helping it become strong and healthy. Foods that will help provide vitamin C are oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and kiwi.

# Iron –

Iron is known as a mineral. Essential to your diet iron helps promote the growth of your hair and strengthening your follicles. Iron-rich foods include red meat, oysters, and spinach.

# Magnesium –

Eating a diet enriched with magnesium such as; salmon, Nuts and seeds is one way to make sure your scalp is receiving all the necessary ingredients to keep healthy hair.

Overall –

When looking at the list of vitamin enriched foods, you will notice that many foods include more than one vitamin. This makes it easier to consume all the necessary vitamins in your everyday diet. Do your best to keep a healthy and balanced diet. Your hair will become the fabulous healthy lock of hair you’re searching for.

Sources –

Will T
I'm will a freelance writer and blogger, parent to 4 kids and keen tech geek. I write content focused on health, parenting, tech and home improvements.
I hope I can inspire readers and share useful insights with my articles.