The New You: What Has to Happen Before Personal Change Occurs?


Integration and Transformation by Dr. Laura Thompson

I woke up one morning with an insight. A patient of mine had left on an important trip — a trip of a lifetime – a trip of challenges — a trip marking change. She was looking for transformation in her life. Newness – returning to her “whole” self.

She had been through a series of traumatic events: several family member deaths, break up with a long-time boyfriend, disloyalties, loss of income and loss of her home. Lots of emotional and physical pain…

I knew she was looking for this profound “ah-hah” moment or life-changing event. But sometimes change does not come in a neatly wrapped package.

Though that may materialize at some point, transformation usually begins with an integrative process and openness to shed some of the old, past hurts, patterns that no longer “work” for you and even old eating habits and stored toxins. Some of these old patterns create stagnancy, a murky swamp that is difficult to wade through.

But we get through it by eating clean, balancing our adrenal stress hormones and brain neurotransmitters. It all works together. We get through it because we want to and because we realize that change is growth and that’s what life is about.

I realize that, though the situation is different for everyone, many people are going through this now – wanting to shed both emotional and physical pain. Is this you? It is me!

Not sure if it is generational, astrological or JUST IS, but there is profound change in the wind.

Integration probably comes before change, as we don’t just have a new person drop out of the sky and jump into our bodies. We shift, discard, morph, forget, remember and … we make new cells. In effect, we detoxify and become re-nourished.

It’s about integrating the old you (whom your friends “remember”) with the new — post-trauma you, who has more breadth and wisdom.

What a great gift to have an old you and a new you — from whom you can pick and choose — and combine whichever way you want.

I love the idea of integration, as it represents expansion — becoming more. Anyway — I just wanted to share that insight with you.

Have a great new year!

(By the way, the person I mentioned in the beginning is now an artist. This hidden talent emerged after all the work she has done. Her art is beautiful.)

Dr. Laura Thompson, Family Nutritionist and Naturopathic Endocrinologist has a nationwide practice by phone, and locally in Carlsbad, California.

Mike Bundrant
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

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