The King of All Juicers: The Norwalk Triturator Hydraulic Press Juicer


We’re not going to lie. The Norwalk Triturator Hydraulic Press Juicer is not inexpensive. In fact, at $2,495.00 for the stainless steel option ($100 less for wood grain) it’s downright exorbitant, something that some would say carries such a hefty price tag they might be afraid to use it.

However, it just may be the only juicer you’ll ever need. And with a 12-year warranty (no, that’s not a typo), there’s no need to ever worry about being afraid to use it.

In a nutshell, it’s sturdy, extremely easy to use and clean up, and thanks to its Triturator Hydraulic Press technology, lets you whip up just about anything. Tired of not being able to add parsley and other fine foods to your juicer (who isn’t?) because they don’t take well, if at all? For the Norwalk juicer, it’s a non-issue.

Heck, you can even mill your own wheat flour with this juicer, make nut butters and even grind your own coffee!
It juices everything from carrots (according to the juicer’s website, “a 25-pound sack of carrots may be juiced in 20 minutes, providing 7 to 8 quarts of juice”) and spinach to wheat grass and coconut meat, extracting what you need when you need it. It worked for its inventor, Dr. Walker, who lived in outstanding physical and mental health until the age of 99 . . . it’ll definitely work for you!

Not only does this amazing Triturator Hydraulic Press technology juice a huge variety of foods, but it preserves their nutrients much longer than most other juicers around.

Video: Matt Monarch of The Raw Food World Discussing the Triturator Technology of the Norwalk

A Technology that Blows other Juicers Away

Many people make their juice, and then drink it almost right away. Immediate drinking is often a habit done since refrigeration or sitting on a counter too long renders the juice nutritionally ineffective. Sigh. All that preparation and clean up often ends up for naught.

Not with the Norwalk Juicer.

Without getting overly technical, the bottom line is that the Norwalk juicer’s Triturator Hydraulic Press technology produces such pressure (2,000 pounds to be exact) that it is unparalleled to other juicers, fully extracting ALL vitamins, trace minerals and natural sugars. By now the majority of us know that juicing allows food to be enjoyed without the heating that compromises nutrients and overall quality, so we can get optimal benefits from fruits and vegetables. Juicing retains natural enzymes that our bodies need, so it’s important not to lose out on them.

It also produces hardly any foam, so good riddance to those juicing mustaches and hello to tasting the goodness faster!

Furthermore, this super cool technology allows hardly any air to be introduced during the juicing process, leading to significantly slower oxidation or decomposition. This is why juices from the Norwalk juicer can be kept refrigerated, or even frozen for up to 6 months, with hardly any loss of nutritional value, flavor and even coloring. In fact, many users of the Norwalk juicer enjoy making their juices just once every few weeks, stocking up on a variety of mixtures.

We’re rejoicing over its ability to retain all the healthful content of our fruits and veggies. But we’re also thrilled about something else many people are often concerned with: clean up. Let’s admit it, it’s not the most exciting part of juicing. But with the Norwalk Triturator Hydraulic Press Juicer, even if we were inclined to make a juice several times a day, clean-up is easy. Just rinse and wash or if you want, put the stainless steel parts in the dishwasher. No fussing over cleaning each component a very specific way and breaking out a slew of tools and fancy scrubbers. Just prep, pour and clean with no hassle every step of the way.

It’s also available in a multitude of colors, so it looks darn good sitting on your counter too.

Keep on Juicing

Don’t get me wrong. All juicers are terrific, whether yours cost less than $100 or more than $500. Juicing, regardless of juicer, in my opinion, is better than not juicing at all. Whatever works for you is the best, since clearly the goal is to always to keep your health top-of-mind. But most juicers carry the frustrations of not effectively juicing certain foods, having a warranty that’s definitely less than 12 years and still leaves us bothered with having to purchase additional parts. And of course, let’s not forget that stocking up in the refrigerator is typically a no-no and cleanup is typically a tedious task that takes a great deal of time.

But after using the Norwalk Triturator Hydraulic Press Juicer, I’m in my glory. This is the juicer of juicers, a must-have kitchen staple for those serious about juicing and their overall health.

To save, find one on eBay (eBay affiliate link)

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A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. (