Summer Nightmare: Water in Ears – Here are the Solutions


It is highky certain that almost all of people go down with water appearing inside the ears at least once in their lifetime. This issue can easily take place during your time of swimming, having a bath or a shower. Obviously, having water in the ear can trigger you to feel totally uncomfortable and have the feeling that you are hearing from a bottom of a well.  In general, water can appear and disappear without causing any issues. However, in some special situation, water may be trapped in the ear canal, leading to your decrease in the ability to hear. Additionally, if not treated timely and rightly, there is huge likeliness that patients will suffer from a danger of dealing with much more serious phenomenon such as ear pain and infection.

Interestingly, with some simple methods, you may effectively remove water from your ear. However, in case natural home treatments don’t produce expected outcomes, let’s consult doctors as soon as possible before  experienceing ear pain.

Following are top 7 simple tips on how to get water out of your ear that you should go for.

1. Alcohol and Vinegar

It is believed that rubbing some alcohol or vinegar into your ears is a traditional tip on how to get water out of your ear. Loading with antibacterial qualities, vinegar can effectively get rid of the germs present in the ears. What’s more, rubbing alcohol will aid you in drying up your ears.

  • Have some alcohol and vinegar mixed together
  • Put this mixture into a dropper
  • Add 2-3 drops into your ear
  • Gently rub the opening of the ear canal
  • Leave it on 30 seconds
  • Drain the water out by tilting your head

2. Salt

When it comes to tips on how to get water out of your ear, you will mention salt. In reality, salt is able to absorb water easily, making it ideal solution for your annoying discomforts. Furthermore, you may also stay away from pain  thanks to the use of the heat from hot salt compress.

  • Heat¼ glass of salt  in the microwave
  • Have the salt in a cotton cloth before tieing it
  • Place it in the position near the ear opening so that the water went into and hold it for 2 to 3 minutes

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the most popular tips on how to get water out of your ear is hydrogen peroxide. In relity, hydrogen peroxide is able to get not only the water but also ear wax and debris from the ear canal effectively. This capacity is derived from its loading with effervescent quality.

  • Put 4-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear with the help of a dropper
  • Leave it on 1 to 2 minutes
  • Take the water out by tilting you head downwards

4. Olive Oil

More than a cooking ingredient, olive oil may also turn into a good tip of how to get water out of your ear. Also, olive oil is responsible for lowering the danger of your getting ear infection thanks to its antiseptic effects.

  • Boil olive oil under slight heat before putting it in a bowl
  • Have a few drops of warm olive oil placed into the ear
  • Leave it on 10 minutes
  • Remove the oil and the fluid, making use of a soft ear bud.

It is necessary to temember that you should turn your head sideways before removing the oil.

You may also read more about effects of olive oil at How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally or How to Get Chubby Cheeks.

5. Gravity

In case you find that these above mentioned methods do not take effect, you may seek for the help of gravity. This is one of the best ways to get water out of the ear.

  • Tilt your head sideways
  • Hold the ear that the water got into parallel to the ground
  • Place the palm of your hand against your ear
  • Press it hard for a couple of seconds
  • Remove your hand quickly before slightly having the water removed from the ear by a cotton ear bud

6. Heat Therapy

Another tip on how to get water out of your ear is using heat therapy. Specifically, the Eustachian tube, which the water builds up in, will be opened thanks to the help of the heat compress to allow the water to escape.

  • Have a bowl of hot water bowl before dipping a washcloth into it.
  • Remove the excess water
  • Put the washcloth against the affected ear in 30 seconds
  • After 1 minute, redo the process
  • Lie down on your side so to let the water get out easily
  • Do this 4 or 5 times

7. Clean your Ear

Cleaning your ear is stated as one of the easiest tips on how to get water out of your ear. Simplt using a soft towel or a clean cloth then clean your outer ear slowly to get the water out of the ear.


More by Jenny Heth:

Jenny Heth
Jenny Heth is the senior editor of It is the website that is specialized about do-it-yourself tips at home regarding beauty and health.
You can find on the website everything you need to know about beauty and health from how to maintain a young and beautiful look to even how to treat common problems as sore throat or complex diseases as measles.