Natural news is a goldmine of incredible information. They endlessly expose how bought and paid for the mainstream media is; they expose the health debilitating effects of vaccines that allow big pHarma to waltz bye by being granted immunity from prosecution for deaths and permanent injuries; they expose the medical profession for simply bending over forward for the pharmaceutical industry and not caring for the people; and they expose the fact that the state Health Departments only care about supporting the industries they are told to support, like fluoridation.
Despite all these revelations, the hookers still support the pimps, which brings to mind two recent occurrences.
Number 1:
In an Associated Press article written by Alicia Chang that appeared in our local newspaper on 1/30/15, the title read, Physicians Rejecting Anti-vaccine Parents.
Here’s the deal: In Northridge, California there is a pediatrician named Dr. Charles Goodman. With regard to the measles outbreak Dr. Goodman said, “Parents who choose not to give measles shots are not just putting their kids at risk, but they’re also putting other kids at risk – especially kids in my waiting room”.
What’s the point? The point is that many doctors like Goodman are saying if a parent does not vaccinate his or her child they should go to another doctor.
And, this is a sentiment echoed by many doctors that have “fired” patients who believe what the doctors consider debunked research linking vaccines to autism. They hope this strategy will lead parents to change their minds. If it fails to due so then at least it will reduce the risk of contamination to the other children the doctor is treating.
Dotty Hagmier, the founder of the support group Moms in Charge, said that parents supporting not vaccinating their children made up their minds about vaccines after careful research and diligence to understand the risks versus the benefits for their own children’s circumstances.
In 2012, Dr. Nelson Branco and his fellow hookers at a Marin County practice started turning away toddlers whose parents refused to make sure they received the measles vaccine. Despite only 10 to 20 of his 8,000 patients left after the Gestapo plan manifested.
His final words on the subject were, “In the end we have the science and the experience that it is the right thing to do”.
You can contact these open-minded physicians as follows”
Dr. Charles Goodman: Facebook; (818) 993-1614
Dr. Nelson Branco: Facebook; (415) 461-0440 or (415) 892-0965
Number 2:
In today’s Honolulu Star Advertiser a headline read: Mercury Levels Rising In Hawaiian Ahi (yellowfin tuna).
Gee. Really?
The article said that the mercury levels in the yellowfin tuna caught in the Pacific Ocean near the Hawaiian Islands have been rising at a 3.8 percent annual rate since 1998.
Why? Because the Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal found this out due to air pollution due to burning coal (China) is pumping mercury into the ocean food chain posing a hazard to human health.
The canning companies, in an effort to save profit, do not have to post warning due to the passage of California’s Proposition 65. That manifested because the canning companies submitted studies done by their people saying that the methyl mercury in tuna was coming from natural sources, such as deep-ocean vents.
Then the California state Superior Court, in 226, agreed that the Proposition 65 warning was pre-empted by federal rules and that the methyl mercury levels were too low to merit warnings. In God we trust. All others pay cash.
The Fraud and Drug Administration and the Environmental Pollution Agency are finally seeing the light and, for the first time ever, are recommending that a pregnant woman’s weekly diet include a minimum of 8 to 12 ounces of fish to be known to be low in mercury. But, pregnant or breast-feeding women should avoid tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel from the Gulf of Mexico.
Maybe I’m missing something here. Is there a blockage in the waters of our world that require a fish to show a passport and a health clearance when going from one country to another, or are all the oceans and seas connected?
In 2008, when I first embarked upon the writing of my book, I uncovered a report done by Jacques Cousteu. He and his crew took a diving bell up to the Baltic Sea and cruised down about 1,000 feet. The caught a fish and dissected it. Guess what? Polluted to the max.
Did he reveal that report? Yes. Did you ever read about it? No. Why? Because it went against advertising dollars.
As a side note, do you think the dumping of Nazi chemicals after WW2 had anything to do with the pollution of the oceans and making fish uneatable? Hmmmmm.
How many more pollutants and damaging synthetic chemicals are argued as safe?
What about the chemicals that extend food shelf life almost eternally? What about the chemicals that make dead flesh rosey-red and not smelly? What about the antibiotics and growth hormones routinely given to animals and milk products? What about the GMOs that the biotech industry pays off every city, county, state and federal government not to label? What about the side effects of aspartame and MSG that are down played? What about fluoride that used to be disposed of in lead lined drums as toxic waste before the industry sponsored PR campaign turned it around?
Yes, it’s an endless list. This is why the only safe way to eat is organic plant-based, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and pure water.
No one said life would be easy. But it can be disease free.
Associated Press, Alicia Chang, 1/30/15 Physicians rejecting anti-vaccine parents.
Los Angeles Times; Star Advertiser staff; 2/3/15 Mercury levels rising in Hawaiian Ahi.
A Sane Diet For An Insane World; Hesh Goldstein, 2013
About Hesh:
I have been doing a radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called “Health Talk”. To listen to the show please tune into 1080 or 108 am or go to on your computer at 8am Hawaii time. FYI, 8 am Hawaii time is 10 am on the West coast and 2 pm on the East coast. To call in, the number is (808) 524-1080.
Now, American Voice Radio will be picking up my streamed show and playing it all week until the next one takes place. To listen, go to and click on my link at AVR 2. Starting in December I will be doing another radio show on AVR at 9:00 am Hawaii time on Thursday mornings. Just go to the website, click on AVR 1, and listen live or tune in later and listen via the archive to Health Talk with Hesh.
See you on the radio!
In 2007, I was “forced” to get a masters degree in Nutrition to stop all the doctors from calling in asking what my credentials were. Besides that, they never liked it when I asked them what their credentials were that would enable them to treat an illness without drugs or surgery.
If you go to and click on Podcasts and Articles, there are years of shows there as well as hundreds of health related articles that are completely free to listen to and read.
I am an activist. I am vehemently opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation, and everything else that the “pimps” (big pHarma, Monsanto, and the large food companies), and the “hookers” (the doctors, the government agencies, the Public Health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the “tricks”.
At 75, I am in 3 softball leagues, racewalk, do stand-up paddling, hike, swim, do weights and cardio, and teach women’s self-defense classes based upon 20 years of Wing Chun training. I have been a vegetarian since 1975 and a vegan since 1990, have no illnesses and take no meds.
After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child, I developed asthma, which plagued me until 2008 when I learned about and started taking the organic sulfur crystals. My asthma was reversed in 3 days and has not come back.
So far, 26 cases of autism that we know about have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, asthma, osteoarthritis, joint pain, gingivitis, and erectile dysfunction. The sulfur has increased sexual activity, eliminated toxins, heavy metals, radiation, and parasites. It speeds up athletic recovery time, increases blood circulation, reduces inflammation, increases resistance to the “flu”, reduces wrinkles, allergies, PMS, monthly period pain, migraines, nausea, lowering high blood pressure, raising low blood pressure and way more, because the oxygen that the sulfur releases floods and heals the cells in the body.
The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids.
You can find out more about this on my website under Products.
My book, “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”, which has been published, can be viewed and purchased at The book clearly explains why what you eat, for the most part, is designed to keep you in a state of declining health.
I have recently discovered two amazing super foods – Zeal and Shakeology – Zeal contains 30 amazing probiotics, anti-oxidents and more, all designed to build and strengthen the immune system and Shakeology contains 42. What’s great about Shakeology is that it is filling, replaces one meal and keeps you full for hours and helps with weight control and loss. For more info about Shakeology please email me or go to The good news about Shakeology is if you are not satisfied after 30 days the company will refund you.
And now I have come across an amazing bee pollen that is so soft it melts in your mouth and has so many benefits. It is rich in vitamin B12 and all B vitamins, proteins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, carotenoids, bioflavenoids, antioxidants, antihistamines, enzymes, antibiotics, and natural phenylalanine, which acts as an appetite suppressant, and more.
My daily regimen consists of one teaspoon of the crystals twice a day, one scoop of the Zeal in cold water, one packet of Shakeology either in 8 to 12 ounces of water or added to my smoothie and a heaping tablespoon of bee pollen. For more about Shakeology please go to
Hesh Goldstein, MSNutri
“Health Talk” Moderator, K-108 Radio
POB 240783, Honolulu, Hi 96824
(808) 258-1177
[email protected]