This is a Godsent to people that just do not have clean drinkable water. We now have a revolutionary Drinkable Book that was created by Dr. Theresa Dankovich, a Post-doctoral researcher at University of Virginia. The program established with the Center for Global Health and the university’s environmental engineering department, was for investigating water purification in developing countries. The program is called WATER Is Life and the book has pages that are actual filters with antimicrobial properties. The University of Virginia has a collaboration with the University of Venda in South Africa to test silver-impregnanted pages for filtering contaminated water.End result, ceramic filters for purifying water make up the pages of a book. Facts about the WATER Is Life book:
- costs only cents to make
- each filter can sustain a person for 30 days
- each book contains enough filters to sustain a person for 4 years
- bacteria count reduced by 99%, making previously contaminated water of equivalent quality to U.S. tap water
- filters and kills waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid and E. coli
The only issue is having the instructions for use in English, perhaps other languages or images will better serve all the people this book can help.
Technology has provided a tremendous solution because of the hard work of one amazing researcher. Raise your glass and toast Dr. Theresa Dankovich, then go visit the video at to get involved and save lives.
Bill Lauto, GTG
Environmental Scientist at
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Bill Lauto is an Environmental Scientist and Energy Consultant who came on the scene in 1981 to present facts and teach details about how we can save money, energy, and our environment, without making sacrifices. His voice was one among the few who taught green facts long before anyone else talked about Going Green.
Mr. Lauto has an Environmental Science degree from St. John's University, Energy Auditor Certification from New York Institute of Technology, and Certification in Thermal/Heating from S.U.N.Y. at Farmingdale. He interned at Equitable Environmental Health that brought him to evaluate the environment at LILCO's Nuclear power plant that never opened. As an entrepreneur, he operates, and holds a U.S. Patent with a Trademark on an environmental and energy-related product.
Mr. Lauto has done and managed thousands of energy audits for homeowners. Not one recommended a single action that implied sacrifice. He never stated once that to save money and energy one must turn down their thermostat and wear a sweater. During the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day, Bill Lauto was the Energy Advisor to the Earth Day Committee in New York. Mr. Lauto was the attending expert witness to the press conferences of former New York’s Major Dinkins and Commissioner Mark Green. His expertise has been utilized by power companies such as: the New York Power Authority and the Long Island Lighting Company as well as by Mr. Mark Green, former Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, NYC.
Mr. Lauto has served as the Environmental and Energy expert on several television news and radio talk shows. He has provided information and consulting services on topics such as: air, cooling, heating, lighting, appliances, recycling stations, solar, wind, bio-fuels, hydrogen and water to: Clearwater, Consumer Report Magazine, European American Bank, Home Depot, LILCO, NBC, Macy*s, New York Power Authority, NYPIRG, Time Warner, EPA, thousands of homeowners, celebrities, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and many government accounts.
Information about Mr. Lauto, his articles, and work have been published in newspapers across the country, including: Consumer Report magazine, Kiplinger's Financial magazine and Business Ethics magazine. Mr. Lauto has been interviewed by ABC news, the New York Times, Cable News L.I. and was in a special television home audit hosted by Al Roker of NBC, but was never aired due to breaking news.
For over twenty years, Mr. Lauto has been stating that we don’t need foreign oil, we have the technology to make America energy independent. serves to educate the public for free on how to lower energy cost by 60% or more, while uses videos and Mr. Lauto's Blog to help dispel mis-information and provide the facts about truly Going Green.