Quantum Reflex Analysis: What if your body could talk to you?


Quantum Reflex Analysis By Steve Marmor

What if your body could talk to you and tell you exactly what it needed to be healthy?  Would it tell you that you need specific nutritional support? A different diet? Certain detox procedures?

Yes, your body can “talk” to you through the amazing bio-communication technique known as Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). QRA is a highly effective system of testing the status of the body’s key organ and gland acupuncture points using a proven muscle testing technique.

In just one session, a Quantum Reflex Analysis practitioner can assess many of the body’s key points and provide an incisive protocol designed specifically for you. It is based on direct feedback from your own body. Rather than the common shotgun approach when it comes to achieving higher states of health and choosing the proper supplementation, find out exactly what your body is really asking for.

How Can Quantum Reflex Analysis Help Me?

QRA is an effective and exciting way of communicating with your body and its specific needs – unlike any other healthcare technique on the planet. Your practitioner can use QRA to quickly pinpoint areas of nutritional deficiency. It can help determine precise nutrient formulas and exact amounts to support optimal cellular and nutritional resonance for each specific organ or gland being assessed.

What Can I Expect In a QRA Session?

During a Quantum Reflex Analysis session, your QRA practitioner will assess key organ/gland reflex points on the surface of your body to determine their status in order to make specific recommendations for you, including customized nutritional supplements, as well as dietary & lifestyle adjustments.

During a session, you remain fully clothed while comfortably standing or sitting. To test you, your practitioner will ask you to create an “O-Ring” position with the fingers on one hand. With your other hand, you are asked to place your fingers directly on key organ and gland control points of your body. Next, each point will be checked and tested using the classic “O-Ring” testing method.

The technique is simple, painless, easy to perform and requires no specific effort on the part of the person being checked. In fact, it is a pleasure to receive a QRA assessment.

Once a Quantum Reflex Analysis practitioner has determined which control points need help, nutrients are then tested to find the “exact” match—the one that makes the point that tested “off” to test “on” again. It is truly body bio-communication at its best!

Improve cellular resonance… go from a chaotic bio-field to one that is coordinated and efficient.

Sleep, hormones, energy, weight, digestion, moodiness, libido, arthritis, bone-mineral density, are just several of the symptom manifestations that can be addressed by getting to the cause(s) and addressing them.

The exemplary supplements used are the Premier Research Labs line, which is well known to have no tagalongs, excipients, binders or preservatives of any kind. No parabens, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate or others. All of the liquids are nano-delivery and all encapsulated products are in veggie-caps only. No animal products are used and no tablets are used either.

Compressed tablets must rely on binders, glues or other tagalongs to be made into a tableted format.

If you do not start with optimal quality consumables of any kind, whether foods or supplements, you cannot expect vitality and quality to be received. In the case of a Quantum Reflex Analysis assessment, if supplementation is recommended and taken, it will always be based on incisive testing, as well as top quality supplementation provided.

Steve Marmor is the owner of Herbs & More—Your Natural Health Center in Encinitas, CA, since 1993. Steve is a QRA practitioner, iridologist, herbalist and nutritional consultant.

Mike Bundrant
Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

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