9.3% of Americans — 29.1 million people — have diabetes.
This number is still increasing as we speak — much to the delight of Big Pharma….
One of America’s worst health epidemics netted Big Pharma $14.2 billion in revenue from 2011-2012 alone.
And while millions of people across the world rely on these drugs to control their diabetes, it turns out that these drugs may actually be doing more harm than good — particularly in adults older than 50.
Diabetes drugs are the preferred option of doctors and patients because — let’s face it — it’s much easier than changing your diet.
In order to control diabetes the main aim is to minimize the elevation of blood sugar or glucose. It has been pointed out from time to time that Type 1 diabetes is treated with exercise, insulin and diabetic diet. While Type 2 diabetes is treated with a diabetic diet, exercise and weight reduction. When all this is failed oral medications are administered to control diabetes.
Check if you are suffering from diabetes
Diabetes can include symptoms such as:
* Recurrent urination
* Strange thirst and a dry mouth
* Severe tiredness/lack of energy
* Invariable hunger
* Rapid weight loss
* Imprecise vision
* Recurring infections
Remember weight reduction and exercise is vital for treating diabetes. These two essential activities increase body’s sensitivity to insulin and helps control blood sugar elevations.
Treat diabetes with raw onion and garlic
In Europe, Asia and Middle East in an effort to control diabetes people are relying on eating raw onions and garlic. Even bitter gourd and the herb ginseng have been found suitable for treating diabetes. In Iraq barley bread is popular while in other countries people use cabbage, cinnamon, cucumber, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry and lettuce. Scientific research has confirmed that all the above foods contain anti-diabetic properties.
Garlic contains antioxidants, compounds found in many plants that can help reduce cellular damage caused by toxins. Antioxidants acts by destroying free radicals, unpaired electrons that can contribute to development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Garlic may also strengthen the immune system and may act as an antibacterial, antifungal or anti-viral substance. Garlic may also lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, but not all studies support this conclusion. Allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, may lower blood glucose.
diabetescure101.com ,disabled-world.com ,livestrong.com
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