Pharma and Healthcare Workers Using Unsecured File Sharing to Spread your Private Data all Over the Internet


The digital age has revolutionised the way many companies and their employees conduct business. How? By drastically improving productivity and increasing opportunities for connectivity in and out of the workplace.

While the wealth of new technology available to businesses and consumers alike is largely positive, industries that routinely deal with sensitive documents and classified information must take vital steps to monitor and discourage the use of free third-party software by employees seeking to connect with colleagues.

One such industry is the pharma and healthcare sector.

A recent study has demonstrated that 80% of pharmaceutical and medicinal services laborers worldwide routinely access sensitive work reports and files while out and about. Alarmingly, of these healthcare specialists, as many as 90% do so via the use of unauthorized file-sharing freeware. Of this sample, a staggering 90% do so without authorization from their superiors.

The seemingly harmless decision to bypass company and organization protocols by utilizing unsanctioned third-party software for communication raises critical concerns over the security of personal identifiable information of patients and clients.

It is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical and medicinal industry to meet the considerable challenge of furnishing employees with both flexibility and mobility without compromising document security. Workers must also be made aware that usage of unsanctioned file-sharing software when disseminating sensitive information comes with sizable risks.

Of primary concern to the industry is the distinct lack of transparency and accountability between workers and their employees that free file-sharing programs promote. Companies cannot easily determine which files are being shared by workers and with whom. This opens up the pharma and healthcare sector to potential breaches in security and conceivable violations of strict industry information protection guidelines.

With the usage of mobile devices and file-sharing applications for out of office collaborations increasing exponentially by the year, the healthcare industry can no longer afford to sit back and let these breaches occur. Instead, Anthony Foy, CEO of Workshare, infers that they must explore approaches to meet employee mobility needs without flouting rigid protocols surrounding auditability and the protection of personal identifiable documents.

By 2015, secure, paid file-sharing will no doubt be an industry standard. In fact, solutions to combat the usage of free, unsecured file-sharing applications already exist. For the past 14 years, Workshare has offered improved, secure file-sharing services at a nominal cost. These services extend across a number of channels and devices, including iPads and cell phones.

Workshare boasts a business model that caters seamlessly to employee needs for increased mobility and connectivity while complying with stringent data protection laws.

Services such as those provided by Workshare have the power to put data protection back in the hands of the consumer and the organizations. It’s only a matter of time until all pharmaceutical and healthcare companies make the switch to safer, more regulated work mobility practices.

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Mike Bundrant
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Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

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