Blog Archives

Nausea & Vomiting: The exit route

Nausea & Vomiting: The exit route

Vomiting is the body’s way of getting rid of something it does not like. It is a natural, protective reflex. Nausea is the feeling right before the body does this release. This is an unpleasant feeling, but because vomiting is… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Personal Care
Keep ’em fat and we score big time

Keep ’em fat and we score big time

With obesity being a nightmare, the alleged “cures”, although good, are shortsighted. The mainstream focuses on a societal issue and not just a children’s issue. One of the greatest influences on children’s behavior is the actions of the adults around… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Can infrared sauna reduce thyroid disease symptoms?

Can infrared sauna reduce thyroid disease symptoms?

Before my diagnosis, I had no idea of the different types of thyroid conditions that already existed. Heck, I didn’t even know where the thyroid was. It is true I am embarrassed to admit it but I think I didn’t… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Personal Care
Chemicals in your diet are a nightmare

Chemicals in your diet are a nightmare

As a kid growing up in Newark, NJ and being back in NJ for a while is quite the learning experience. First and foremost, NJ is run by the big pHarma and the pollution corporations and there ain’t nothing anyone can… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
COVID-19 “CARES Act” Bankrolls AI Post-Human Education: DeVos, Thiel, Phase 2 of Project BEST

COVID-19 “CARES Act” Bankrolls AI Post-Human Education: DeVos, Thiel, Phase 2 of Project BEST

In 1982, former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for the US Department of Education, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, blew the whistle on the Reagan Administration’s Project BEST (Better Education Skills through Technology): a techno-fascist plan… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Expiration Dates: How long?

Expiration Dates: How long?

What is that smell?? You open the container of yogurt and can barely inhale. Did you know that the only items required by federal law to label expiration dates are infant formula and particular types of baby foods?? We live… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Lifestyle
What foods reduce inflammation in the body?

What foods reduce inflammation in the body?

Before I started my cancer healing journey I knew nothing about inflammation and how much of impact this has on our bodies. When one hears sayings like you are what you eat, we usually disregard them and shrug our shoulders… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
How does kale fight cancer?

How does kale fight cancer?

When I first started my journey I had never even heard of kale, I know it sounds funny but it is true. I always thought my family and I ate pretty healthy but we would just stick to regular lettuce… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Herbal Medicine, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
Sauna vs steam room: Who wins??

Sauna vs steam room: Who wins??

After a workout or after a long day, stepping into a sauna or steam room is treatment for your body. These facilities are found in gyms, spas, hotels, and some people even have them at home. The main difference is… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Lifestyle, Personal Care, Weight Loss
Who in their right mind would want to eat bugs?

Who in their right mind would want to eat bugs?

We are living in a sick world and it might be a good time to go vegan and definitely read labels. It’s a given that big pHarma and the medical deities (MDs) want us to stay sick so they can… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health