Ancient practice showing positive effects even today
Oil pulling is the age-old trick of swishing oil through the mouth by the individual participating in the technique. It has been found to be an aid to maintaining oral health and to enabling good dental visits with reports of good oral hygiene.
How oil pulling works
Oil pulling, also known as oil swishing, consists of holding or swishing oil through the mouth. Originally used as a folk remedy, it came to light in the modern era in the early 1990’s when its use was introduced by a medical practitioner who claimed that it removed toxins from the human system and improved oral health as a side benefit. It is also believed to lessen certain types of inflammation.
Does it really work?
Because the practice is so “new” to modern medicine, little is known about the long-term effects of oil swishing, although individuals who have used it are sure that it has helped their oral health, at least as far as lessening oral inflammations. It has been observed to work effectively against mouth plaque, but has been shown to be less effective as a treatment against plaque than some commercial mouthwashes. Because the technique has some positive effects on oral health and is relatively inexpensive, it may become more popular as more individuals discover it and enjoy its effects on their oral care.
Is it bad for individuals to engage in oral pulling?
There have been few studies performed on oil pulling in the past two decades, the time period during which the popularity of the practice increased. Since it was reintroduced into the mainstream, no evidence has shown that it is harmful to individuals who engage in the practice. The promoters of oil pulling maintain that it is beneficial for a number of conditions, including diabetes, migraines, asthma, and acne. None of these curative powers has been proven; the only use that has had any effect is plaque reduction. Some of the practitioners also claim that it aids in teeth whitening. This has not been proven to be true or false as so little is known about the effects of this technique.
Should individuals continue to incorporate this practice into their hygiene?
Because no bad effects have developed from the swishing of the oil mixture, people who believe that the oil pulling is having beneficial effects on their oral health are probably at no risk. Individuals who pursue this form of oral care should be careful not to ingest the oil by swallowing it while engaging in oral pulling to be on the safe side.
More Oil pulling information here.