Natural Beauty Treatments to Avoid Plastic Surgery


Women at any age believe that the only way to look vibrant is undergoing surgery. We disagree! There are indeed many available options – non-invasive procedures that can gently tweak and actually modify certain areas of your body. You can still look and feel fabulous without having to go under knife.

Yes, as we age wrinkles are inevitable, however there’s a lot we can do to help prevent and reverse wrinkles through better, positive and healthy lifestyle choices.

Do not smoke and if you do, quit it today! Smoking has no advantages to be encouraged and it really makes you appear old. It causes premature ageing and reduces the blood flow contributing to wrinkles, sagging and tough leathery-looking skin, and demolition of proteins in the skin.

Drink your water and in plenty. Your skin needs water to stay healthy, soft and supple. You can also drink better fluids such as filtered water, white tea, organic tea and organic herbal teas in order to restore your youth. Avoid packaged drinks including soft drinks, sugary cordials.

Say No No to alcohol! Consuming too much of intoxicated drinks leads to bloating and dark circles under your eyes, eventually causing the skin to dry out and formation of wrinkles and premature ageing, in the long run.

Be out in the sun only enough to take in vitamin D for good health. But maintain the balance, as exposed to sun for a long time can cause wrinkles and skin cancer. Always apply sunscreen before heading out in the sun.

Skin is defined as the largest organ of the body and similar to every other organ, it needs good nourishment to stay healthy and glowing. Indulge in plenty of veggies, fiber, raw and unprocessed foods, raw nuts, dark-green leafy vegetables to improve the quality of the skin.

Also, eat enough oily fish – salmon, tuna, herring, and rich in omega-3 fat for good focus, memory and healthier skin.

Consume foods high in Vitamins A (carrots, pumpkins and cantaloupes), Vitamin C (oranges and lemons, cherries and peppers) and Vitamin E (wheat germ oil, almonds and sunflower seeds) that acts as antioxidants protecting our bodies’ cell from damage.

Regular moisturizing the skin at least once in the morning and once before going to bed can help retain lost moisture and natural oils in the skin.

Using cold-pressed plant oils – avocado, coconut, macadamia, apricot kernel and sweet almond will help prevent wrinkles.


Start using gentle, safe and natural skin care products. Also, make it a habit of using gentle skin exfoliators twice a week to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin making it look brighter, glowing and healthier.

Avoid over-washing your skin to retain natural moisture and oils. Make sure you moisturize your skin with a high quality moisturizer after a bath.

Remember to remove your make up before going to bed every night to let your skin breathe and exposed to air. Get adequate sleep of at least 8 hours a night to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Avoid stress at every cost as it contributes largely to premature ageing.

Smile and stay happy, always!

Author Bio:

As a renowned researcher, Tany Clark has been closely associated with plastic surgeons in phoenix and beauty experts from around the globe and to contribute solely on ways to retain beauty naturally.

Tany Clarck