Mold allergies are a secret killer in our society that no one is talking about. Roughly 28% of the population is allergic to mold so chances are you or someone in your family has this type of allergy.
This is a serious problem because many of the foods we eat every day are full of hidden mold toxins. If you eat these toxins while having a mold allergy, they will sap your energy, keep you from thinking clearly, and could even end up killing you.
What is mold?
Mold is a fungus, which makes spores rather than seeds like plants. These spores float in the air like pollen. When people with a mold allergy inhale the spores, they get allergy symptoms. There are many different kinds of mold. Some kinds you can see, others you can’t.
Outdoor mold
Outdoor molds can grow on rotting logs and fallen leaves, in compost piles, and on grasses and grains. Unlike pollens, molds do not die with the first frost in late fall or early winter. They just stop growing during this time. In the spring, they grow on plants killed by the cold.
Indoor mold
Indoor molds grow in places where there is moisture, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and basement.
Who gets mold allergy?
People with parents or brothers or sisters who have allergies to such things as mold, pollen, and animal dander (tiny flakes from the skin, hair, or feathers of animals) most likely become allergic to mold.
What are some symptoms of mold allergy?
The symptoms are like those of other allergies. Mold allergy symptoms include sneezing; runny or stuffy nose; itchy throat or inside of ears; hives; swollen eyelids and itchy eyes; and coughing, wheezing (a whistling sound when a person breathes), and trouble breathing.
If you have a mold allergy, allergy to gluten, or any other type of allergy the time has come to learn about natural allergy treatments that starts the immune system and adrenal system.
Most people treat the symptoms with 12 hours of fast relief and forget why we are suffering from allergies.
There are also many plants that can help. Remember that even if they are natural herbs, you still need to consult your doctor before taking any herb if you have a medical condition. There are herbs that stimulate the immune system and there are herbs that are natural antihistamines or decongestants to help treat your allergy to mold.
1. Burdock relieve congestion and clear is good for colds.
2. Marshmallow root helps your body move mucus.
3. Goldenseal Root soothe inflamed membranes and is alsoantibacterial.
4. Capsicum stimulates circulation and helps fight infections of the respiratory system.
It’s just a handful of natural remedies for allergies to mold.
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