The Miracle of Cauliflower: 6 Health Benefits You Need to Know


Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous family, the illustrious group of vegetables which includes superstars like broccoli and kale and is often an overlooked member at that! However, cauliflower certainly deserves more attention than it gets sometimes, as it too is a true superfood which can bring with it a whole array of health benefits. Read on to find out more about this amazing and underrated vegetable.

Fights Cancer

Cauliflower is rich in a sulfur-based compound which has been shown to be able to actually kill of cancer stem cells and thus prevent a cancerous tumor from either growing or spreading to other sites (a process called metastasis); this gives some researchers hope that these compounds can be developing into a treatment that affectively stops cancer in its tracks. It has been shown to be helpful in treatment of liver, lung, colon, breast, bladder and prostate cancer.

Supports Cardiac Health

The high amounts of sulfur contain in cauliflower (and other member of its family) not only fight cancer – they have also been linked to improvement in blood pressure levels and overall kidney function, both of which are important to heart health. This is believed to be due to its ability to improve the methylation of DNA in the endothelium, the delicate and easily damaged inner walls of the arteries that can be easily damaged.

Reduces Inflammation

One active ingredient in cauliflower, indole-3-carbinol or I3C is a powerful anti-inflammatory which can protect the body from the damaging effects from chronic inflammation. This inflammation can result from stress or poor diet, both of which are prevalent in modern culture, and can be a risk factor for chronic diseases like cancer if it is not managed.

Vitamin- and Mineral-Rich

Because the modern diet relies so heavily on processed and/or conventionally raised foods, it is easier than ever for a person to have a mineral or vitamin deficiency and simply not be aware of it. However, such deficiencies can lead to potentially serious long-term health issues (for example, a chronic lack of calcium being a risk factor of development of osteoporosis). Cauliflower can help fight this since it is rich in nutrients like Vitamins B6, C and K, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and manganese.

Boosts Cognitive Health

Cauliflower is an excellent source of the B vitamin choline, which the brain needs for function and development. Women who get an adequate intake of choline during pregnancy can greatly contribute to neurological development of the fetus and older people can use it to help ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.


There is a reason why cauliflower and other crucifers often find their way onto “detox” menus: they really are wonderful at helping the body to rid itself of the build-up of unwanted and/or harmful substances, especially the first phase of the detoxification process.

So don’t think of cauliflower as the step-child of the crucifer family. With its array of health benefits and the versatile ways in which it can be prepared, it really does deserve to take center stage!

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Sandeep Godiyal
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. His areas of expertise including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.