Have inflammatory diseases risen over time and are they related to eating more GMO crops or exposure to pesticides?
The problem isn’t just the GMO crops themselves. But the pesticides that are sprayed on them, which then gets into the food system.
In 2015, 92% of corn and 94% of soy grown in the US is GMO. Many of these crops are Roundup Ready. Farmers spray crops 2 days before harvest so the crop all dies and dries at the same time, and can be harvested at the same time. (Go to a farm store and read the label on Roundup.) You can’t harvest crops that are green like wheat.
What doctors are taught
Most family doctors are taught simple things and have no idea what a multiple-dimension disease is. A MMD is a disease that comes about when 2 or more toxins or pathogens affect someone and cause a mysterious illness or condition. A “condition”, or “syndrome” is what doctors call a related set of symptoms where they have been unable to pin down a specific cause. So the problem with some modern diseases, like metabolic syndrome, is they probably have multiple causes. Eating too much sugar and pesticides (from GMO corn syrup) in this case could be two causes adding to metabolic syndrome.
Multiple-Dimension Disease
Part of the problem is doctors and their fixation on single dimension disease, diseased caused by one and only one toxic input (pathogen or toxin).
There are many diseases that have their basis in inflammation: diabetes, circulatory disease, allergies, immune system problems, etc. This Google Docs spreadsheet has raw historical data on several types of diseases, such as asthma, hay fever, skin allergies, autism rate. It also has information on high blood pressure rates, diabetes rates, doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Many of these are inflammatory diseases.
For example, the asthma rate in 1997 was 9.5%, and in 2014 it was 12.7%, a steady increase. In 2003 the percent of people who had activity limits due to arthritis was 35.0%. In 2014 this number went up to 40.1%. This raw data on various disease rates over time can be used to analyze which types of studies should be funded to find out why these diseases are increasing.
Effects of Roundup Ready crops
When you eat RR crops, you are eating small amounts of glyphosate. When you eat glyphosate, over time, this damages your body. It won’t be noticeable for some time as the changes are gradual, not sudden. Some studies of glyphosate have shown:
- Roundup causes fetal deformities in rats.
- Roundup was found to be an aromatase disruptor in human cells.
- There has been a huge increase in the amount of glyphosate used in the US.
- Glyphosate found in 11 of 24 breakfast foods.
- 93% of people have glyphosate in their urine.
- Glyphosate found in organic wines that weren’t even sprayed.
- 64% of bread in the UK contains pesticides.
Since Roundup exposure is so common, it might be one cause in the increase of some inflammatory diseases. Only you can help. Sign petitions demanding the ban of glyphosate not just for GMO crops grown in your country for for GMO crops imported into your country. Buy only foods that are Non-GMO Project verified.
Roundup and rat fetus development.