How Secondhand Smoke Affects Children


Secondhand smoke is the smoke emanating from cigarettes, pipes, cigars and the smoke a smoker exhales.  It is also referred to as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), involuntary smoking, or passive smoking.  Smoke emitted from cigars, cigarettes, or pipes is sometimes called sidestream smoke; whereas exhaled smoke from a smoker is called mainstream smoke.  Many concerned parents and caregivers want to know how secondhand smoke affects children.

How secondhand smoke affects children

No matter the amount of smoke, no amount is safe.  Each and every time someone smokes, toxic chemicals get in the air and into everything including curtains, carpets, dust, furniture, and clothing, to name a few.  Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals, with more than 70 chemicals that cause cancer.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns parents to not smoke, or allow others to smoke around newborn babies.  Chemicals from smoking affect an infant’s brain in ways that interfere with their breathing.  Infants exposed to secondhand smoking are at a greater risk of getting Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Infants and children exposed to secondhand smoke also get sick more often than children not exposed to these carcinogens in the air; they may get bronchitis, asthma, phenomena, painful ear infections, and they may start coughing and wheezing.  A child’s ability to do math and read may be at harm due to exposure to passive smoking.  They are also at risk of developing leukemia or a type of liver cancer called hepatoblastoma.  Children exposed to smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer when they become adults.

Protecting infants and children from secondhand smoke

Concerned parents and caregivers take steps to avoid smoking in or near their homes and cars.  They live their lives, smoke-free.  They do not leave ashtrays, cigarette or cigar butts in a child’s reach.  The American Cancer Society recommends parents and caregivers prevent all smoking indoors in order to protect children from secondhand smoke.  They also warn us that secondhand smoke affects blood circulation, the heart, and blood vessels; eventually it can cause stroke, heart attacks, and heart disease.  If you or someone you know wants help to quit smoking, call the American Cancer Society at (800) 227-2345 or visit their website: Guide to Quitting Smoking

Read more of George Zapo’s articles about public, global, and environmental health at his website: Healthy Habits.

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George Zapo, CPH
George Zapo, CPH is certified in Public Health Promotion & Education. George focuses on writing informative articles promoting healthy behavior and lifestyles. Read more of George's articles at his website: