One of the main organs of human body is kidney, which is also called as the filter of the human body. Kidneys purify blood and remove extra liquid from the body in the form of urine. After the kidneys are damaged the blood purification is done through a process called dialysis. Kidney dialysis is a process by which the unwanted particles and water is removed from the blood.
Reasons of kidney problems:
- Sudden and excess fall in the flow of blood in the body, which may be caused by an injury.
- The daily medicines like painkillers and antibiotics also put extra load on the kidneys and cause permanent damage to the kidneys.
- Renal stones and tumors block the urine path and result in improper flow of urine.
Indications of kidney disorder:
- Leg pain
- Anxiety and weakness
- Urine blockage
- Respiration problems
- Bad taste or tastelessness
Herbs that prevent kidney problems:
Punarnava– this herb is the best medicine and provides relief in pain. The other name of this herb is boerhavia diffusa. The root of this herb is used in the medication of kidney related problems.
Kaasni– it is also known as cichorium intybus in scientific terms. The main function of this herb is that it gives energy to kidneys and fight chronic kidney ailments in the body.
Varun– this herb deals with urine blockages and clears the urinary tract. It aids in swelling and kidney stones as well. The scientific term of varun is crataeva nurvela.
Gokshur– like varun this herb also clears the urine passages but along with clearing it also supports the kidney cells and help in their redevelopment. Gokshur is called as tribulus terrestris in science.
Palaash– this herb grows on a beautiful tree and is red in color. It is a best alkaliser, which proves to be a best medicine for the patients of kidney disorder. The scientific name of this herb is butea monosperma.
Rakt Chandan– P. santalinus or rakt Chandan is anti-infective in nature and recover the kidneys very efficiently. This coolant is an effective medicine of urinary ailments.
Home treatments of kidney failure:
No Smoking– Nicotine is harmful toxin that is present in the smoking articles and it is hard for the kidneys to purify it.
Weight Loss– more weight puts extra pressure on the kidneys and gives rise to the problem of obesity and kidney cancer.
Quit Painkillers– painkillers are very harmful if they are consumed regularly. The ingredient of these pills can lead to the problem of renal cancer.
Hydration– drinking water can help in these problems because water helps in diluting the urine and preventing kidney stones. It also prevents gathering of salt and minerals in the body.
Friendly Bacteria– these microorganisms are the probiotics, which are present in the intestine. They help in good digestion and keep the symptoms of kidney diseases away.
There are many food items, which a patient must not consume while suffering from the kidney disease. Vegetables like spinach and cauliflower are rich in phosphorus that causes complications. Apart from this fruits and other food materials like brown rice, banana, salmon fish, soybeans and dates are also not to be consumed.
Fruits and vegetables like apple, onion, watermelon and green leaves can be easily consumed because they do not increase the load on the kidneys. Spices, low cholesterol sunflower oil, wheat ricotta cheese are other options which can be consumed by the patient of kidney failure disease.