Herbalist: Careers in this Field are Blooming


Have you ever thought you’d love to have the wisdom of the sages of old that knew what plants were good for what ailments?  I’ve been searching for a way to take an in depth course in Herbs.   There is a shift in medicine today and more people are realizing the benefits of natural alternative treatments.  Have you ever considered a career in this field?  Maybe you love gardening, love cooking, love helping people feel better and this is the way to bring it all together.

Herbal Therapy as a profession includes: Growing herbs, “Wildcrafting” or picking herbs, cultivating and manufacturing herbal products, teaching or counseling people about the use of herbs as medicine.  It could also be a means of supplementing other careers, such as naturopathic medicine, nutrition or other healthcare careers.

The outlook for a career in Herbal Medicine is blooming and ripe for the harvest. Experts with herbal medicine training will be in ever increasing demand. Scientific research is finally backing up the benefits of herbal remedies. The statistics show that herbal medicines generate billions of dollars in revenue annually.  Certainly this is nothing compared to the money being spent on pharmaceuticals, but if we can have more professionals available in this field to educate the general public, we can begin to make a difference.

Currently, most herbalists are self-employed though this is shifting as the demand increases. There are many options in herbal therapy such as the need for small manufacturing companies that can produce herbal products, growing herbs for sale to manufacturers, owning your own retail herbal store, and coaching others about herbal products.

So how does one become an expert in this growing field?  It depends on whether you would like to gain the knowledge for your own benefit or will need the actual degree to become a professional. Here’s a list to point you towards some course offerings:

Sage Mountain  Home Study Courses

American College of Healthcare Sciences

Everglades University offers online and on campus courses

NaturalHealers.com is a site that explores all kinds of options for degrees in this specialty

Healthy Blessings,


Healthy Living Store

Recommended Reading: My favorite book on the subject is written by Rosemary Gladstar, the founder of Mountain Rose Herbs.  Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide

Sandy J Duncan
Sandy Duncan is completing her Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a health and wellness coach, Certified Neurofeedback specialist and author of AllNaturalHealthReviews.org. Read honest reviews on current health and wellness products as well as register for FREE giveaways.