No matter what has caused your disease, or what disease you have, whether it is cancer, diabetes or depression, there is one method to heal yourself that’s easily available to all of us. And, it’s free. Often the simplest solutions to all of our worries are right in front of us. But, because of negative mental habits, we tend to look for complicated solutions. It doesn’t help to have the general society reinforce a need for testing and treatment either. The looming mountain of costs that come from “normal medical” diagnosis and treatment would make most of us quiver — anticipating a huge burden if illness strikes.
Fortunately, there’s another path we can choose and it has no costs, no side effects and no worries. Impossible? Yes, it does sound idealistic. But, if you want to use this method it will require some inner strength, and up ’till now, your inner strength in this domain might be a little rusty. Maybe that’s why the disease has entered your life: to help you strengthen some hidden skills and encourage you to develop some of your inner strengths.
There are five steps to using this method of healing, and they are:
- Believe you’re well.
- Surrender and rely on your Higher Self.
- Be happy.
- Steer clear of negative influences.
- Listen to directions from your Higher Self.
Believe you’re well
This might sound incredibly easy, but I challenge you to employ this method since fear will undoubtedly creep into your mind as soon as you decide to be fearless. See and feel yourself as already well, healthy and free from any ailment. Then, maintain this attitude and inner belief. Every time your mind reinforces your illness and you catch the thought, recognize this “inner voice of defeat”. Replace it immediately with a comforting thought of wellness. Repeat these encouraging thoughts often. It’s your inner battle. But, the more you practice feeling well, the easier it’ll be to repeat whenever your mind gets in the way.
Surrender and rely on your higher self
Let go of any preconceived ideas about how your wellness should look, and believe in your health. When you have conviction, your Higher Self will support, encourage and reward you. This sounds easy, but we rarely rely 100% upon our Higher Self.
Be happy
Laugh as much as possible. Watch comedy films, remind yourself of happy moments in your life, envision beautiful scenery: a lovely landscape or a cozy home, re-experience a hug at just the right moment, re-experience petting a puppy or re-experience anything else that moves your heart. Release your worries, let go and laugh. Even cry to release your unhappiness, and afterward, repeat these healing steps. You’ll feel a great sense of relief and inner peace. Develop a labor of love, some activity that fuels your happiness.
Steer clear of negative influences
Eat sensibly and today that means eat organic. If it’s pricy, eat less so you can afford organic. There are too many pollutants in our environment and in our regular food. They’re harbingers of disease. Drink pure water. You can boil water, too. It also helps to drink hot water with your meals since its known to assist in digestion. The Japanese have a culture of drinking hot liquids with their meals and it has served them well.
Listen to supportive words; avoid complaints or any negative speech. Surround yourself with the positive support you need to build or reinforce the foundation of your life. This will support your healthy mind and body as well as energize your life.
Listen to directions from your higher self
Once you’ve practiced the previous four steps, you’ll receive guidance from within. Whatever new ideas come to you, now you’ll feel more confident and open. That’s one of the greatest benefits of practicing surrender. Listen and follow your inner director. You may be asked to make a change in your life or you may receive a profound affirmation regarding your new behavior. You may receive a dream or vision.
All of these steps are free, but they will require your constant attention to develop these healthy habits and the self-discipline to persevere. But, for that minor request, life will grant you pristine health along with the enthusiasm and energy to share your blessings with everyone around you.
I’ve practiced these steps many times. For example, when I received negative diagnostics for breast cancer, for colon cancer and for cervical cancer all at separate times with years spread in-between each diagnosis, each time I practiced these healing techniques. With further testing, each instance changed from malignant to benign.