Health is affected by many different elements. In fact, one can argue that every part of life can positively or negatively impact health. Nothing seems neutral. Whether it is our career, the interactions we have with the objects and people around us, business, or the spiritual practices a person might pursue, they all need to be in line with the highest state of consciousness. The state of a person’s consciousness affects every decision, action, thought, and emotion a person engages in. If this area is not addressed, nothing else is going to work as well.
One part of expanding consciousness is getting out of a narrow focus and moving into a perspective which sees any subject through multiple perspectives. The more perspectives, the better. I believe this is also true for health as well. Constricted focus is often the driving force behind problems concerning tension, stress, and imbalance. Once focus relaxes and opens up, balance returns.
From a similar standpoint, a more open focus on the topic of health, (beyond just the physical side), improves our ability to stay balanced on many levels at once. It’s time people anchor the highest level of health, not only into the physical dimension, but also into the emotional dimension, mental dimension, and spiritual dimension as well. I believe this is more likely to happen if a person explores connections and relationships between health and seemingly unrelated fields of human knowledge.
According to Lissa Rankin, health is affected by many facets, including: relationships, work/life purpose, relationships, work/life purpose, creativity, spirituality, sexuality, your environment, finances, mental health, and physical health. She also says that each of these elements have to be in balance with each other and the truth of who you are. All the facets mentioned above can also serve as a type of perspective in looking at the whole subject of health.
I would also add to these perspective mentioned above the subject of ecology, where people are actively engaged in supporting the beauty, natural wisdom, and energy of the planet as a whole.
In matters of ecology, being the green consumer could involve purchasing more of what is reused and making sure a lot of what is not wanted or needed is reused, repurposed, regifted, or resold. Granted, on a psychological level, this will involve some detachment, but this trait is key in getting out of excess consumerism.
Air quality is another aspect of both ecology and health. People can spend the majority of their time indoors and face the effects of different pollutants, including tobacco smoke, allergens, carbon monoxide, radon, chemicals, mold, and even fungus. All of these can lead to health problems. Creating more ventilation in enclosed areas and use of an air filter will improve air quality in the internal environment. Too much ventilation, however, can lead to too much heating and use of fossil fuels, which creates more air pollution.
Energy-saving practices in the field of ecology can also have a positive impact on health. As an example, the Japanese employ a practice of using less fossil fuels, relying on nature and natural energy instead to create houses. Because there is a closer connection to the earth and natural energy, people will often report feeling calmer and more centered in this environment. Instead of using electricity, people would sprinkle water on the ground. Heat is absorbed as water evaporates in the living environment to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Water is something else that deserves attention as well. Water conservation on some level helps because everything that is alive on this planet needs it. All too often, there is the tendency to waste water when we forget and/or ignore our connection to everyone and everything on this planet. Only a consciousness centered around unification supports life and any effort towards sustainability. The implications of continuing water shortage in the future include heightened conflict and tension between humans, and even a potential breakdown in the structure of the urban landscape. Both of these would not bode well for the continued health and wellbeing of society.
In addition to water conservation, the use of filtration systems, both in drinking water and even in the water we use to clean ourselves, is helpful. Detoxification becomes easier and the human body becomes stronger, as it no longer has to deal with toxins and chemicals in tap water. Skin health also improves as it is coming in less contact with water touched by pollutants or chemicals.
Efforts to address pollution still only cover a part of ecology. Other issues in ecology which impact health include population, human behavior, transportation, science, business, and politics. Engaging in activism, volunteering, and education will also affect health, in the short term and in the long term for future generations. By itself, the topic of ecology presents many other possible issues and perspectives for looking at health.
What are the implications? Perhaps, health is something that can only be understood and experienced at the highest level, if we continue to explore its many faces. A person is always invited to explore that next frontier, no matter how high they’ve climbed.