Homemade Winter Detox
Here’s a great way to flush out some toxins and maybe shed a few of those winter pounds you may have added for extra warmth! It’s really a powerhouse for cleansing and weight loss. You can do this just once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. To really boost the results add another one mid-afternoon. The typical diet often causes the body to be far too acidic and leaves you always feeling bloated, fatigued and in general poor health.
A great solution to this is to make this super fresh and easy whole body cleanse that blends fruits and vegetables. This will help you clean up your act this winter.
2 cups filtered water
1 grapefruit
2 carrots
1 cucumber
1 Tbsp of grated ginger
2 mint leaves (or 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil)
Peel the grapefruit, slice carrots and cucumber into smaller pieces. Add to a Vitamix or regular blender and blend until smooth. Add the water and the ginger and blend again. Add the mint leaves last for flavoring and decoration (don’t blend).
Carrots will provide good amounts of fiber and antioxidants and will stimulate the digestive system to work more effectively.
Grapefruit is excellent for cleansing and is packed with vitamin C. It has been said to be extremely beneficial in breaking down fats.
Cucumber is also very high in fibers so it fills you up but has a high volume of water to help cleanse the body of built up toxins.
Mint also assists digestion and is very soothing to the stomach overall.
Try this delicious homemade winter detox and let us know how you liked it in the comments below!
Another great way to work on a little of the extra layers this winter is with a fat-melting sugar scrub.
Fat Melting Sugar Scrub
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup olive oil or coconut oil (or a blend of each of these is great too)
Zest of 1 Grapefruit or Lemon or Orange
Make up a double batch and share with a friend.
Simply massage the scrub on your problem areas while you are in the shower, massage the area for 2 – 3 minutes and then leave it on for five minutes and then rinse thoroughly. You can also make this body scrub with sea salt. Do be careful as the shower will become slippery with the oils. I sprinkle with baking soda when I’m done and it keeps the shower clean and deodorized.
Want to super-boost your results and not have to do the zesting?
Simply replace the Citrus Zest with Citrus Fresh Essential Oil (add 5-10 drops). It is a blend made from Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon with a hint of Spearmint. It can be used topically, aromatically and added to water for a delicious (and fat burning ) drink.
Extra weight and cellulite will not just go away like magic overnight. You must decide to take action and stick to it. However, you will have results if you follow these tips. Natural remedies are healthier, cost effective, and can be done in the privacy of your own home. If you are patient and take action you will be delighted with the results. You can win the battle and you can shed some pounds and have skin that is firm, youthful, and smooth.
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