It is believed that the combination of lemon and baking soda has 1000 times more stronger effect than chemotherapy!
A recent case-control study out of Europe showed that consuming four or more 150-gram portions per week of citrus fruit decreased the risks of throat cancer by 58 percent, oral/pharyngeal cancer by 53 percent, stomach cancer by 31 percent, and colorectal cancer by 18 percent. This study did not find a protective effect of citrus against breast cancer, but a recent American study did show that women consuming about 75 grams daily of grapefruit (fruit or juice) saw a 22% reduction in breast cancer risk if they had never used hormone replacement therapy. It is noteworthy that the protective level of citrus consumption was nearly identical in both these studies (525-600 grams per week) and could be interpreted as a minimum intake level for meaningful cancer protection. However, it’s also important to know the best sources of limonoids if they are key to citrus fruit’s anti-cancer properties.
Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial andfungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.
One of the largest drug manufacturers claims that 20 laboratory experiments, conducted since 1970 until recently, proved that:
Lemon destroys cancer cells in 12 cancer types. It prevents metastasis of cancer cells and it is 10 000 stronger than drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products.
Alkalizing the body with baking soda and lemons
It has been shown that sodium bi-carbonate (baking soda) alkalizes the area around the tumor and prevents development of metastasis (spread of a cancer from one organ to another) in mice with breast cancer. A study published in Cancer Research in 2009 confirmed that inhibition of tumor’s acidity reduced the number of metastasis in some cancers. A new study is underway at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, which will look specifically at the effects of sodium bicarbonate on breast cancer patients.
Lemons, too, help to balance the body’s pH. They have an alkaline effect on the body, despite their initial (citric) acidity. They contain limonoides which are phytochemicals and have anti-cancerous properties. Vitamin C destroys free radicals, which damage our cells. An interesting thing about lemons is also that they act as an anti-microbial. Some researchers suggest that cancer is like a fungus, and should be treated in the same way, so lemons might be a powerful remedy.
• 2 teaspoons lemon juice (fresh squeezed) organic
• ½ teaspoon baking soda (no aluminum)
• 8 oz water
The preparation is very simple, mix 2 dL (aprox. 6.8 oz) lemon juice with one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup, optional you can diluted the mixture with a distilled water and the miraculous drink is ready! Consume the drink before breakfast on a empty stomach for better effect. To have even bigger effect it is best to use organic lemon. Organic lemon is 100 times more efficient than lemon grown with artificial fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals.
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