Cancer Diagnoses / Why I Chose the Holistic Approach


As soon as I received my cancer diagnosis, I started to educate myself. I wanted to understand as much as possible what was happening to me, analyze all the facts and make a rational decision.

I gathered information from different physicians and clinics in various geographic areas. I read books, including “Cancer Step Outside the Box” by Ty M. Bollinger, “Beating Cancer with Nutrition” by Patrick Quillin, and “The China Study” by Thomas and T. Colin Campbell. I visited a wide range of websites and read what seemed like hundreds of articles. I attended lectures, read postings on discussion boards, and more. I know this may not be realistic for many cancer patients but I do believe a patient must be empowered to make the best choice for them once they understand all the facts.

I gathered all the facts, laid it all out, prayed, and meditated. I know this may not be realistic for many cancer patients but I do believe a patient must be empowered to make the best choice for them once they understand all the facts. I know that some people are just too ill to do all of this homework, that they really need an advocate to handle this for them, I was grateful to be able to look at all the statistics, read all the information, and make my own decision. Because ultimately I think that if we really sit with ourselves and spend time with ourselves in stillness, and truly focus on the facts that are laid out there, we will know what we need to do.

And the thing that was resonating with my mind and spirit and inner being was the holistic approach. This is what made sense to me. I just couldn’t grasp the idea that just by removing a body part healing would take place. I knew that my body was created in perfection and there is a reason why I developed cancer. I decided to embark myself on the road less traveled and went on quest to find to cause and cure of my cancer.

This conviction was reinforced in my consultations with various medical specialists, especially the surgeons. When I would ask these specialists questions about why I had cancer, how my diet may have impacted my situation, or what additional steps I could proactively take to improve the situation, they had no answers. None. Nada. Zip. The answers I got were along the lines of “It’s just bad luck, maybe something in your genes. But that’s okay. We’ll just remove it and treat it and then you’ll continue going on living your life as you always have.”

But this just did not make sense to me. God did not create us to get cancer. There must be external and/or internal influences of some sort. Take food, for example. If you look at the things that mankind is now doing to our food—pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other toxic things—it seems to me that this must have an impact on our bodies today. If you compare how food was grown and produced 50 years ago to now, you’ll see it was completely different. It’s no coincidence that cancer rates were much lower then.

Nutrition is just one factor. It seemed to me that there must be many more. I have now learned that cancer is a multifactorial disease and a cancer diagnoses is the result of an acquired deficiency. The question is to what?

I felt that I had to take responsibility for what was happening to me, and be responsible for making changes for my health. Because I wanted to live, and I believed that if I had been doing things right in the first place my body would not have developed cancer. So why would I want to go right back to whatever it was that got me here? Wouldn’t that approach increase the chances that I would get cancer again?

The truth is, throughout this entire education and fact-gathering process, the one thing that kept resonating with me was the holistic approach. It made sense. The conventional medical approach did not. So the holistic approach is what I chose.


Power Thought:
I choose to rest in God’s grace to carry me through my journey in peace with confident trust believing in faith for the evidence of things not yet seen.

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Karen Berrios
Certified Natural Health Professional / Health & Wellness Advocate at Kareliz Wellness, LLC
As I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer in the summer of 2014, I stepped
into a journey of discovery. A journey of total healing shaped primarily by the power of natural medicine. It was then that my desire to find an alternative to Western medicine’s traditional approach to cancer treatment led me to explore what was, for me at the time, new ideas and new knowledge.

My journey began with much self-educating, looking for natural ways to
heal my body. This immersion into the world of natural medicine then led me to search for additional education. I wanted to provide myself with more tools and resources to support my healing process. So I went back to school for much more formal training on ways to use nature’s potent healing properties to apply natural health to support my own healing journey. I’ve discovered and learned the profound and therapeutic effects of natural medicine and how it can be used to prevent, treat and repair many health conditions. As I became a Certified Natural Health Professional, I learned much on how we can easily use God’s given nature to bring healing to ourselves and others.

I now live with a vision. It is my mission and calling to share my journey,
and all I have learned along the way, with others. My blog, Facebook page,
e-books and more are all part of this effort. To learn more about me and my journey please visit my website at

Thank you for reading.. Blessings!