How Body Therapy is Great for Depression


Treatment for depression is a difficult thing to find. For different patients will come different types of therapy. Some patients may try to use the same therapy for years until they realize that it isn’t working. Perhaps this is because they don’t realize that straight on therapy isn’t enough. Many people with depression don’t understand all their symptoms right away. Over eating or not eating enough is a symptom that cannot always be detected by the person who is doing it to themselves. Not all depression is buried deep down inside. Some treatment for depression doesn’t work with just talking about one’s feelings. Perhaps in some circumstances it’s the body that must be looked at.

Getting up and Getting Out

It’s possible that mild forms of depression are only there because people who are suffering are not getting up and out of the house as much. Reasons range from having kids to working from home to possibly just not enjoying life as much as they should. The best thing for this is to get out of the house a little every day. For those who may struggle with this, just start slow. Taking a walk around the block everyday gets the body working and the mind as well. When the body moves, the mind moves along with it. Certain depression will only occur when one hasn’t gotten out of bed all day. Once they get up and moving, the mind perks up right away.

The everyday walk can be increased in length. Soon walking around the neighborhood will be no problem. Stopping in at certain places along the walk will help as well. A nearby coffee shop with a shot of caffeine will help keep the energy up. This may subside the depression for a while. Many people will start to realize that their depression is only brought on by themselves.

Eat the Right Foods

This is obvious here, but eating the right foods helps tremendously. Certain foods, like snack foods and easy to grab soft drinks may heighten the mind for a few minutes, but the crash is the worst. Those with depression will crash hard. A painful feeling may turn into an unbearable feeling. The right foods will benefit one’s mood better. Instead of a chocolate bar, have an apple. Apple’s carry the same amount of energy a candy bar can give someone, but healthier. Physical health isn’t all though, the apple will keep the mind on an even keel and crashing won’t be a problem to be worried about.

Going out to eat as well can change how depression attacks. Fast food only does the body harm. The horrible chemicals will make the body sluggish and the mind slow down. Eating healthier outside the house will keep the mind sharp.

Working Out

Along with all this, working out will keep the mind intact. When one works out many chemicals in the brain are released that pump adrenaline to the whole body, including the mind. Keeping the blood pumping throughout the body will allow one to think clearly and make better choices in life.

Depression can only win if it’s allowed to fester for long periods of time. Taking back control of the body means taking back control of the mind. Once all these are taken into account, the mind and body won’t be able to live without it. It’s an easier, drug-free, way of dealing with mild depression. Treatment for depression doesn’t always have to be digging out the demons. It can be as easy as focusing on the present and learning to live with what one has. The body and mind are elements that can’t be lived without.  

I am a writer and blogger.