According to The Council of Scientific Affairs, half of the U.S. population has had bad breath. Surely, each of us from one time or another has stopped mid-sentence upon noticing our own bad breath, or reacted unfavorably upon noticing it coming from another person.
The American Dental Association explains that when food particles collect on your tongue and in between teeth and gums, “Naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth then breaks down those food particles, releasing chemicals that have a strong odor.” The Association notes that while bad breath may be a result of more serious problems (digestive issues, chronic bronchitis, severe oral complications), it’s commonly due to our diets.
Yes, you guessed it, the likes of onion and garlic top the list of foods that produce bad breath. And while tongue-brushing, along with proper time dedicated to brushing and flossing teeth is essential, it’s not always convenient.
Here are the top 6 ways to banish bad breath safely and easily:
1. Parsley
Many people turn to parsley as a quick, easy method to temporarily banish bad breath. Parsley has some antiseptic properties and also contains chlorophyll, both of which help control bad breath. Tip: Choose fresh parsley. Dried parsley is void of breath-freshening properties, rendering it useless for this remedy.
2. Lemon: The citric acid in lemons acts as a neutralizer, restoring balance in the mouth and especially warding off particularly offensive odors like garlic and onions. Simply add the juice from half a lemon to water and gargle.
3. Tea tree oil: Several studies suggest that using tea tree oil for bad breath is a safe, 100% natural remedy which is why you often see it as an ingredient in some toothpastes. Using it in place of toothpaste or dipping your floss in it can provide lingering freshness. Tip: While stronger, Melaleuca Alternifolia works even better to combat bad breath. Choose this if you have particularly bad breath, but be aware that its strong taste can be intolerable for some.
4. Fennel seeds: Andrew Gaeddert, herbalist and author of “Healing Digestive Disorders” touts fennel seeds’ ability to increase saliva flow and therefore remove bacteria. Furthermore, he says that fennel seeds contain essential oils with antibacterial properties which can further diminish bad breath. Simply chewing on a few seeds is effective.
5. Clove seeds: Cloves not only have a pleasant earthy taste that makes them enjoyable to chew, but they act as an oral antiseptic and help remove some bad breath-producing bacteria.
6. Anise seeds: Just like with cloves, they are considered an oral antiseptic that helps remove bad breath upon chewing. Additionally, the seeds have a sweet licorice flavor. Tips: Differentiate between anise seeds and star anise. Star anise is not the same thing and is used for other purposes. Secondly, it should be noted that anise seeds should not be used by pregnant women because they contain an oil that is similar to estrogen which may lead to complications.
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