Entries by Mayimina


Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

Is Soda with Sugar Better?

Few food ingredients – with the possible exception of aspartame – have gotten worse media publicity in recent years than high fructose corn syrup. This sweetener is found commonly in many processed foods and beverages, but some of the biggest… 0 Shares |

19 Practical Uses for Lemon Oil

The practical and medicinal use of lemons goes back to Egyptian times. Below are twenty different uses for the oil of this colorful fruit, both for personal care and for around the home. Congestion Remedy If suffering from chest congestion… 0 Shares |

8 Health Effects from the Fukushima Disaster

It has been several years now since the shocking events of earthquake and tsunami did such damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plant spilled untold gallons of radioactive waste into the water and atmosphere. Even years later, the fallout from… 0 Shares |

Top 5 Kidney Cleansing Drinks

The kidneys may be small, but they have a big job to do in the human body: they act as filters for the blood to remove impurities and see that they are excreted from the body (in the form of… 0 Shares |

Things You Need to Know About The Master Cleanse (Lemonade) Diet

The Master Cleanse Diet – also known as the Lemonade Diet – has gained popularity recently in the press. Below is information about this diet, including a general overview, what the diet consists of and its aims, as well as… 0 Shares |

7 DIY Medical Treatments that Really Work

If you are like most people, your busy schedule makes a visit to the doctor a hassle. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, but there are treatments you can do at home for various ailments that can save you the inconvenience of spending… 0 Shares |

5 Common Cooking Mistakes That Can Make You Fat

Eating at home is popular for many reasons. It tends to be cheaper than eating out all the time and most people – especially those who are dieting – like the control that it gives them when they know exactly… 0 Shares |

Top 12 Natural Anti-Fungal Essential Oils

Whether the problem is dandruff or athlete’s foot, fungal infections of skin, scalp or nail bed can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort. However, before reaching for commercial sprays or creams, consider using one of the following naturally anti-fungal… 0 Shares |

8 Ways You Can Dramatically Lower Stroke Risk

The risk for stroke increases dramatically as someone ages, and strokes can lead to problems with mobility, memory, and even simple tasks like eating or drinking. The good news is that there are many ways to reduce the chances of… 0 Shares |

7 Medically Proven Foods that Help Lower the Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a far more widespread health condition than many people realize. It has been called the “silent killer” because, although it often come with no warning signs or symptoms, it can cause deadly incidents of heart attacks and… 0 Shares |