Entries by Sarah Barendse

Sarah Barendse

My name is Sarah Barendse. I am a Natural Health Advocate, Writer, Graphic Designer, Life Enthusiast, and Spiritualist. I have been writing for Natural News since 2013 and uncovered some pretty crazy health and wellness issues that seemingly had gone previously unnoticed. While I publish here I also have my own site, www.SarahBarendse.com. Please visit me there for more in depth articles!

Cancer – Taking Your Power Back! Part 1

“You have cancer”… This has to be among the most dreaded phrases in the English language. A diagnosis of cancer is something you always think of as happening to someone else, but what if it did happen to you? What… 0 Shares |

Test Your DNA – Discover Health Clues & Trace Your Ancestry

Thanks to advances in science we are now able to find trace our ancestry by analyzing our DNA. In recent years this has become available via the Internet to the general public. Companies like www.23andme.com, www.dnaancestryproject.com, and www.dna.ancestry.com. How do… 0 Shares |

Morninga! The Miracle Tree

The Moringa Tree is an amazing health resource that here in America most of us have never even heard of. It contains 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium… 0 Shares |

Violence – A Side Effect of Psychotropic Drugs

http://www.hcbl.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/bullet_pills.jpgThese days antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, and mood enhancers/stabilizers are being given out by physicians like Tic-Tacs. Feeling sad? Have a pill. Feeling mad? Take a pill. Feeling anything at all? – We must correct that! – Here is a prescription.… 0 Shares |

The Dangers of Sunless Tanning

Over the past decade the media has pushed the idea that the sun is dangerous and harmful so hard that the majority of people now believe this to be fact. We, as a society, have come to fear the suns… 0 Shares |

Shamrock Shakes! – Green No. 3 & More!

Millions of people flock to McDonalds every St. Patrick’s day for a Shamrock Shake. They are green, minty, festive, frosty and delicious. As this shake is so popular the franchise locations often run out of them. There are even web… 0 Shares |

Natural Flavors = Hidden Poisons

“Advertising is legalized lying.” – H.G. Wells This could not possibly be more true than in today’s food industry. The grocery store has become a virtual mine field of coded words. Packages say one thing, while covering the truth of… 0 Shares |

The Fight Against Cancer…AIDS…Depression – Stop Declaring War on Yourself.

The fight against cancer… The fight against aids… The fight against depression… When did we all decide that “fighting against” something was the best most effective course of action? Declaring an internal war within your self doesn’t say, “healing” to… 0 Shares |

Constantly Sick? – Maybe it’s your adrenal glands…

Adrenal fatigue is becoming more and more prevalent as life and society in general becomes increasingly stressful and fast paced. Many of us work so much and have so many obligations there is very little time left over just for… 0 Shares |

TOXIC WARNING: Fruit & Vegetable Stickers – Organic Makes Zero Difference!

The adhesives used on fruit and vegetable stickers are regulated by the FDA. They are labeled as “indirect food-contact substances.” What chemicals the glue can be made from are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations part 175.125. The same… 0 Shares |