Are cancer patients at higher risk of COVID-19? What can we do?


It is incredible, to say the least, everything that is happening worldwide. Undoubtedly it is hard to believe that this is even real. Sometimes I think we are in a bad dream hoping to wake up soon. As a mother, the first thing that comes to mind is my family’s safety. Understanding and implementing every precaution possible to protect my children is my top priority. Of course, due to my personal journey and now as a wellness blogger and health advocate I can’t help to wonder how much of impact this COVID-19 disease may have on cancer patients.

We already know that cancer patients are immune-compromised, to begin with. Therefore, cancer patients automatically fall in the higher risk category. But what about those that are in the treatment and those that are in remission? According to a small study conducted in Wuhan, China, “Cancer patients show deteriorating conditions and poor outcomes from the COVID-19 infection,” the study, which was recently published in the Annals of Oncology, states. “It is recommended that cancer patients receiving anti-tumor treatments should have vigorous screening for COVID-19 infection and should avoid treatments causing immunosuppression or have their dosages decreased in case of COVID-19 co-infection.”

Furthermore, researchers found “more than half (53.6%) of the patients involved in the study developed severe events—defined by admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), mechanical ventilation, or death—with 28.6% of the patients dying. This is far higher than the general COVID-19-infected population, which has an average clinically critical status rate of 4.7%, and a mortality rate of 2.3%.”

Researchers also wrote, “Patients with lung cancer, with worse baseline lung function and endurance, are more likely to develop more severe anoxia and progress more rapidly with COVID-19”

I’m not a researcher but my common sense tells me that the conclusion found on this small study conducted ironically enough in Wuhan China makes a lot of sense. Of course, the outcome for cancer patients would be poor and more challenging if dealing with the COVID-19 in addition to cancer. This is why it is vital for patients to be proactive in their current treatment plan and implement a preventive plan not only to get tested but discuss with their medical/ oncology team the possibilities before continuing with immunosuppressing treatments, making themselves more vulnerable to COVID-19.

What Can We Do?

In one of my most recent blog articles titled “How to fight the Coronavirus naturally” I share additional helpful tips to help you boost your immunity and take additional precautions as a preventive mechanism for you to be safe during this crisis. Let me provide you with a quick summary:

Practice the following to prevent and protect from the virus:

• Social distancing (2 meters minimum) because the secretions that are the ones that contaminate cannot move more than 2 meters due to the weight of the virus.
• Correct handwashing, for 20 seconds (both surfaces, anterior-posterior, interfaces, and fingertips) each time you come from outside or enter or leave any public space.
• Use of masks when traveling through crowded areas (supermarkets, banks, hospitals, etc.)
• Clean surfaces with disinfectant (especially those that may be in common and frequent contact)

Boost your Immune System

Keeping our immunity strong is most definitely the best form of prevention and our strongest defense when facing any sort of illness that threatens our lives. Here are some powerful and amazing tips to help you boost your immunity:

  • Take a good Probiotic
  • Take Vitamin D3 
  • Vitamin C IV therapy
  • Take Camu Camu Powder
  • Take Beta Glucan 
  • Eat Adaptogens like Maca
  • Follow a Plant-based Diet 
  • Mild Exercise
  • Rebound
  • Infrared Sauna
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Colloidal Silver
  • Water

If you like to learn more about each one of those recommendations read my article on “How to fight the Coronavirus Naturally.” I hope you find this blog article helpful and as always I welcome your comments and I really appreciate you sharing your experiences with me. Sending much love, blessings, peace and protection prayers for you and your families. Stay strong, stay safe, and stay healthy.

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Karen Berrios
Certified Natural Health Professional / Health & Wellness Advocate at Kareliz Wellness, LLC
As I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer in the summer of 2014, I stepped
into a journey of discovery. A journey of total healing shaped primarily by the power of natural medicine. It was then that my desire to find an alternative to Western medicine’s traditional approach to cancer treatment led me to explore what was, for me at the time, new ideas and new knowledge.

My journey began with much self-educating, looking for natural ways to
heal my body. This immersion into the world of natural medicine then led me to search for additional education. I wanted to provide myself with more tools and resources to support my healing process. So I went back to school for much more formal training on ways to use nature’s potent healing properties to apply natural health to support my own healing journey. I’ve discovered and learned the profound and therapeutic effects of natural medicine and how it can be used to prevent, treat and repair many health conditions. As I became a Certified Natural Health Professional, I learned much on how we can easily use God’s given nature to bring healing to ourselves and others.

I now live with a vision. It is my mission and calling to share my journey,
and all I have learned along the way, with others. My blog, Facebook page,
e-books and more are all part of this effort. To learn more about me and my journey please visit my website at

Thank you for reading.. Blessings!