What is Alexandria’s Genesis?


Alexandria’s Genesis is a genetic mutation that occurs in stages and causes the eyes to turn from gray or blue to purple color. This usually occurs after 6 months after birth. During puberty the color of the eyes deepens to a darker purple shade.

It’s believed that the mutation began about 1000 years ago in Egypt. The disorder also appeared in England in 1329 and it was the first record instance. Alexandria was born with purple eyes and she transmitted it other girls that she gave birth into.

There are other symptoms that accompany Alexandria’s Genesis. Those with mutation are believed to never grow pubic and facial hair. The condition makes the skin to shimmer white rendering it immune to burning. It’s also believed that women with this mutation are fertile but they lack menstruation.

Arguments state that children ages very quickly (causes premature aging) and have very short lives (shortened life-span). On the other hand, the mutation make affiliated people live for up to 130-150 years. They do not gain weight and are immune to diseases. It’s also believed that the affected person rarely digests making them have nice figures.

There are arguments that claim Alexandria’s Genesis is only a myth. There are various proves that indicates that Alexandria’s Genesis is a myth. The actual generic variant that causes the disorder is said to be discovered in the late 1960s contradicting the earlier history cases of the mutation.

Accumulation of toxins in the body due to failure in production of waste can lead to death. The presence of melanin on the skin is the only proven way the skin is protected from burning and not the fair white shimmering white skin. The oldest person on the planet lied for 122 years which contradicts the belief of Alexandria’s Genesis of living up to 150 years.

It’s rendered impossible for fertile women to lack menstruation. It’s scientifically proven that there is no way a single mutation could affect the many aspects of the body. This makes Alexandria’s Genesis a fallacy. Alexandria’s Genesis myth allows for immune system where the affected can survive any disease. Basing on this idea, technically every person would have the mutation since those who had it would spread it around. There are mutations that also make children to age very quickly and the condition would cause the opposite to occur. Some races are believed to have high immune system having a mutation different from that of Alexandria’s Genesis limiting how often they are sick.

To some it’s a myth and to some it’s not a myth. Those who claim it is real, claim that it is the only way to develop purple eyes. They defend themselves with Elizabeth Taylor history. They claim that Elizabeth Taylor have this mutation though many refute the idea.

Alexandria’s Genesis has been widely discussed. there are sources including websites and books that records Alexandria’s Genesis myth. It has emerged it’s a myth since it is not scientifically proven. It is claimed that the case is as a result of urban legend since no one with the disorder exists today. It leads to further speculation if it existed or if it exists. Alexandria’s Genesis will be a fallacy.


Ron Yahaloms