What is it like to think about health? To find answers inside from your own wisdom instead of looking outside of yourself? Humility is helpful towards this end. That, and the willingness to uncover more about this topic through self-reflection and self-introspection.
Perhaps gathering information on your own and never believing that you know everything there is to know about the subject opens you to more. The process of learning anything, including health, can lead you to open up to more information instead of causing you to feel as if you are finished. Done. Knowing it all. The moment you believe you know it all, you’ve stopped opening yourself up to new information, knowledge, and wisdom.
One thing that might be helpful is to engage in creative brainstorming, not of set ideas, but of questions about a topic. This could definitely be about health, but it can also be about any other field of knowledge. Being in question mode cultivates curiosity, which is another mark of intelligence and creative thinking. Just keeping several questions in mind about a topic, such as health, encourages the thought process and attitude of humility.
Without further ado, here are some possible questions I came up with:
The Physical Level
What does it mean to be completely healthy on a physical level?
On a scale of 1-10, how healthy are you on the physical level? What could you do to improve my rating on this level?
How would you know you are completely healthy on the physical level? How accurate is this measure?
Drawing on your heart and intuition, what foods and diet seem best?
On a personal level, what actions would seem best to help bring the highest level of health on the physical level?
What obstacles seem to be coming up to block health on this level? How can they be handled?
Are there any potential blindspots in terms of knowledge, wisdom and information on the physical level of health? How might this be handled? What are the potential consequences if blindspots on this level are not handled?
The Mental-Emotional Level
What would it mean to be completely healthy on the psychological level?
What is your heart and intuition telling you about this area of psychological health? How do you feel and how do you mentally respond when using intuition to make decisions?
On a scale of 1-10, how healthy are you on the psychological level? What could you do to improve your rating on this level?
Are there any potential blindspots in terms of knowledge, wisdom and information on the mental-emotional level of health? How might this be handled? What are the potential consequences if blindspots on this level are not handled?
The Spiritual Level
What would it mean to be completely healthy on the spiritual level?
On a scale of 1-10, how healthy are you on the spiritual level? What could you do to improve your rating on this level?
Do you have any potential blindspots in terms of knowledge, wisdom, and information on the spiritual level of health? How might you handle this?
Career/Finance Level
How healthy are you on the career/finance level?
What are you thoughts and feelings about career?
What are you thoughts and feelings about money?
What are you going to do to bring up health on the career/finance level?
What obstacles internal/external seem to stop you in this area? What will you do to deal with these obstacles?
How might you integrate, balance, and bring together the physical, mental-emotional, spiritual, career-finance levels of health?
Are there any other levels of health not mentioned here that might be worth exploring?
What feelings and thoughts are coming up when you respond to questions about health?
How do you make health decisions? Are all health decisions coming from a centered place inside? Are there moments when health decisions arise from a state of imbalance? What might you do to correct this.
From what perspective do you make health decisions? What if you were to adopt several other perspectives you had not adopted before? What do you discover?
How do you measure health in your life? On how many levels do you assess your levels of health? What if you were to look at health through many other levels/perspectives? What do you discover?
Implications Of Looking At Health From Different Perspectives
It may seem unorthodox for an article like this to leave you with more questions than answers, but questions bring you to a different place inside yourself.
They encourage expanded perception and the decision to bring many perspectives to a topic. Often, the more perspectives you have on a topic, the more informed your decisions are going to be on that topic. The answers are often going to be helpful, yes.
The idea is to never let answers to any question in any subject, including health, shut down exploration on this topic or any topic. What if you were to let every answer to every question open you up to more knowledge and more wisdom? What would happen then?
The attempt to improve and learn about health can always lead a person to open up their perception to more wisdom on the subject area. It does not need to close it down. What questions can you come up with about health? What is your inner wisdom telling you as you think about them?
(You may want to use the above source for more insight on Socratic questioning. This process is one way to expand perception and consciousness around the whole topic of health.
What’s the point of all this mental work of generating questions? It helps to have an objective as you create questions. An example might be to bring up one’s own health to its optimum level and to eliminate blind spots about the topic of health altogether.
When a person focuses on being an expert in one area, they could blind themselves to knowledge that can be just as helpful or even more helpful in other areas. Awareness of this tendency and Socratic questioning is one way to deal with this potential pitfall).