7 Worst Habits That Destroy the Heart


Overall well-being is not possible without a healthy heart. Since heart disease is one of the leading killers among Americans, this is definitely an issue that many people are concerned about. However, while people remain concerned, they are not always aware of the fact that certain lifestyle choices can increase the risk for long-term cardiac damage. Seven of these lifestyle choices are discussed below.

Excessive Use of Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in moderation (defined as two drinks a day for a man and one drink a day for a woman) will not likely have much of an impact on the heart. If red wine is consumed, then cardiac health can actually be improved. However, if consumption is excessive, it will increase the risk of heart disease and raise blood pressure. This, of course, is in addition to the devastating effects it can have on the bones, the liver and cognitive functions of the brain.

A High-Salt Diet

While a little salt is great to add flavor to food, most Americans have far too much salt in their diets. The worst part of it is that salt will increase the blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Using herbs and spices to help flavor foods without salt is a great way to reduce this risk.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Most people in the United States simply do not get enough exercise. This lack of physical activity is also an underlying cause of cardiac problems: the less someone exercises, the greater the chance of weight gain, higher cholesterol levels and the build-up of plaque that slowly chokes off circulation to the heart. Exercising, on the other hand, can help reduce weight, strengthen the heart and improve circulation.

Untreated Anxiety or Depression

Anxiety and depression problems put an enormous amount of stress upon the entire body, including the heart. If left untreated, it can put strain upon the immune system, lower energy levels, and lead to poor nutrition because of a decreased appetite; all of these things can do damage to the heart. If these emotions are dealt with, however, their negative effects can be lessened.

Comfort Food

When people eat due to stress or emotional upset, they are not only adding on extra calories that are not needed, they tend to choose “comfort foods” that are generally high in carbohydrates and fats (read “mac and cheese”) that can really pack on the pounds. This weight gain, in turn, can negatively impact the heart.


Most people know that smoking brings health risks, but they usually associate it with respiratory problems like emphysema and lung cancer. What many do not realize is that smoking can also lead to heart issues as well; as a matter of fact, about 30% of deaths related to heart disease are due to tobacco usage.

Poor Sleeping Habits

Many Americans also do not get enough sleep most nights, and when this occurs over the long term, sleep deprivation can occur. This can lead to an increase in stress hormones which in turn can damage the heart.

These seven habits all, for different reasons, have a negative impact upon the heart, especially if they are habits of long standing. Like many habits, they can be challenging to change, the benefits to be reaped from changing them are enormous.

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Sandeep Godiyal
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. His areas of expertise including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.