5 Ways to Use Essential Oils in the Garden


You are probably used to using essential oils for a variety of health and beauty needs, whether it is oil of cloves to tamp down a toothache or tea tree oil to help clear up an outbreak of acne. But did you know there are also ways you can use these same essential oils in your garden? Below are 5 different suggestion for using this oils to make your garden into a little slice of paradise.

Repel Pests Naturally

If you are plagued by summertime pests in the garden, relax – many essential oils, used regularly, can help repel these critters naturally and without having to resort to harsh chemicals to do it. Rosemary oil, for instance, can take care of fleas, flies and mosquitoes while peppermint oil is excellent if you want to get rid of things like beetles, ants, aphids and squash bugs. A wonderful, broad-spectrum repellant is made up of ten drops each of rosemary, peppermint, thyme and clove oil ass to a spray bottle filled with water. Shake well and apply anywhere that you want free of pests. It is safe to use on plants.

Kill of Fungus

Fungus is responsible for about 85% of common diseases that plague household and garden plants. In order to treat or prevent this naturally, add one drop of tea tree oil to one cup of water in a spray bottle and spray plants twice a week. You shouldn’t do this on a hot, sunny day, however, as sun-heated tea tree oil has the potential to burn leaves.

Fend of Slugs and Snails

If snugs or snails are a problem in your garden, try taking a spray bottle full of water and adding a teaspoon of oil of cedar, pine or hyssop and spraying it in a ring around the plants you want to protect. This can be refreshed as needed and is a great (and chemical free!) way to stop these voracious critters from eating your vegetables before you do!

Attract Pollinators

You don’t have to just use essential oils to keep things out of your garden – some of them will also attract animals to it. There are many essential oils which will bring in important pollinators such as bees to enhance the health and fertility of your garden. These include lavender, hyssop, marjoram, basil and fennel, among others.

Enrich Your Space

If you have a special spot in your garden where you like to go, particularly if the day has been stressful, it can be a nice touch to add an essential oil burner and use it with aromatherapy oils to enhance the mood of the place when you want to relax and get away from it all. Lavender or ylang-ylang are particularly good for this purpose.

So if you are wanting a safer, more attractive, pest-free garden, break out the essential oils and get to work. These oils are versatile enough to get the job done and to save you a little money in the process.

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Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.