The 12 Best Foods for Clean Bulking


The 12 Best Foods for Clean Bulking


Have you ever wondered about the secret to bulking up while maintaining you fat free physique? It is something all bodybuilders and amateur gym goers go through when they are bulking up. They want to be shredded and have amazing abs but they also want bigger and stronger muscle. The secret, as with most other things in bodybuilding lies in nutrition. These are the 12 best foods that you should eat for a clean fat free bulking phase

  1. Milk that is low in fats. Containing calcium, natural protein and carbs, low fat milk is an ideal product for bulking up. It is also filled with amino acids and will definitely increase your protein synthesis level.
  2. Eggs with yolk. Together with their yolk, eggs are great vitamin B sources and they have clean calories and proteins. A couple of eggs are between 160-200 calories and they contribute to your daily protein requirement which is very high if you want to bulk up.
  3. Healthy Carbs. It is important when bulking up to eat carbs in the form of fruits, whole grains, vegetables and dairy. If you want to put on muscle it is essential that you do not only consume protein which are important for muscle synthesis but also carbs which are important for creating a anabolic setting and an energy surplus throughout your body.
  4. Beets is a great food for bulking up, providing you with nutrients and boosting you immune system. It’s a great vegetable and you couldn’t go wrong with it.
  5. Prebiotics and probiotics. Another very important factor in your bulk is the health and status of your stomach and digestive system. Only when they are in a proper balance can they function properly and absorb proteins well enough for you to build muscle
  6. Fatty Fish. Filled with vitamins, healthy fats and omega 3, fatty fish is a great idea for a healthy food that will help you pack on muscle and grow in strength.
  7. Yes, not surprisingly, water is a very important part of a clean bulk. Staying constantly hydrated is something that your muscles need and you cannot hope to bulk up if you do not drink water constantly.
  8. Clean supplements. If you intend to bulk up then you should also try powerful clean supplements that have been proven to have zero side effects. These include whey protein, creatine and fish oils.
  9. Skinless chicken thigh. A great protein source that can be cooked in hundreds of was, chicken is perfect for bulking up
  10. Quinoa is a great carbohydrate source that can assist you in your bulking phase.
  11. Avocado is a fat source that is healthy and helps you achieve an easy bulk. It is also a great source for dietary fibers.
  12. Coconut milk. Coconut is absolutely delicious and its milk is a great ingredient that is filled with healthy fats and with other vitamins and minerals that are great for bulking up cleanly.


